Stress eating - does anyone else have it?

So I spoke to my doctor and told her I couldnt stop eating hungry or not and she said it is due to stress cause stress burns more energy.

Does anyone else experience this? or have any tips on how to overcome stress eating?

I am trying to control what i eat - 3 main meals and 2 snacks throughout the day. But it just doesnt happen!

Any tips or advice or your own experiences welcomed


  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I am right there with ya. I have always been a stress, depressed eater. food is my enemy but also my comfort. Comfort while I am eating it then my enemy after I eat it bc of the way it makes me feel. Wish i could give ya advice.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I am a stress eater.. and not only that, but I could literally stuff my face all day hungry or not, stressed or not. I love food, I'm a total food addict. I can't give you any tips really, I just decided that I am going to fight the urge to eat and for the most part I've done great. I will have an occassional "binge" but I'm not perfect so I've come to accept that and just strive to do better. Best thing to do is take the power away from the food... honestly, tell yourself and whatever it is you want to eat that it has no control over you, you're not hungry, you don't need it, and you WILL NOT eat it. Best of luck to you!

    ETA: Another thing you can do is get busy when you want to eat to get your mind off of it.
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    me too, I found out that logging my food the day before hand then its just a will power.
  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    I am right there with you. I have always been a stress eater.When I don't get back on track I will soon see the effects of it.I I have been like that real bad over the last week.I wanted to grab a pop tart a few moments ago...410 calories..That stopped me right there! I came and added my calories..54 over already..So glad I over came and signed onto MFP...
  • cabbys
    cabbys Posts: 2 Member
    Totally know what you mean! I was doing that a lot for the past two weeks and then decided I shouldn't slack off. This might sound crazy, but making the decision in your brain and making it clear to your mind that this is YOUR decision will help a lot-even if it might seem weird to tell yourself out loud.

    Then write it down so you can see it at work or wherever, because when you see your goals you're more likely to accomplish them.

    Also, lately I've been trying to drink three of my water bottles a day. My water bottle holds about 24oz of water. I'm def. not as hungry b.c of it.

    Last, if you have a friend that is having trouble with something similar text them when you're about to do something you'll regret. This is new for me I just started this week but my friend and I are texting to each other "chubby bunny alert" whenever we want to eat something we shouldn't and then we talk each other out of it hahaha. So this last part may or may not work.

    Water curves hunger and it's good for you to tell your mind what you're going to do, it shows it who's boss! And it's def. not your appetite! :smile: GOOD LUCK!
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    I seek comfort foods if I get stressed. I have been trying to turn to water and exercise to combat stress. My kids have been suffering because I have not been buying the normal junk food we have around. I buy lots of yogurt and granola. I also have been taking longer at the grocery store to actually look at the labels and make sure that I am getting more protein and fiber in the normal stuff we buy. I try to post my great finds up here. I am a pasta and tortilla kind of person. I have found 2 outstanding things to help with this. Ole high fiber tortillas are only 71 calories with more protein and fiber than normal tortillas. Ronzoni smart taste pasta is only 170 calories for 2 ounces compared to 210 calories for the same amount of barilla or any of the store brands. Try trading out some of your higher calorie stress foods for lower calorie like items. I hope this helps. Good luck on your lifestyle change!
  • foxsr295
    foxsr295 Posts: 21 Member
    Stress eating is my downfall! Keep the faith! I know it's not as appetizing, but fruit and raw veggies give you the crunch and sweet taste. I hope this helps. I need to take my own advice!
  • Raf702
    Raf702 Posts: 196 Member
    So I spoke to my doctor and told her I couldnt stop eating hungry or not and she said it is due to stress cause stress burns more energy.

    Does anyone else experience this? or have any tips on how to overcome stress eating?

    I am trying to control what i eat - 3 main meals and 2 snacks throughout the day. But it just doesnt happen!

    Any tips or advice or your own experiences welcomed

    Stress is a contributing factor to weight gain. Since your body(adrenal glands) produce Cortisol under stress. Which basically causes our body to store more fat. It's hard to avoid the daily stresses in our lives. Just trying to control it is challenging and stressful enough. How often do you exercise or stay active? Usually that keeps the mind occupied reducing stress.
  • efwolfcub
    efwolfcub Posts: 99 Member
    Stress eating is definitely a big one for me. When I'm stressed I get the munchies and will nibble on just about anything I can get my hands on. Been a big issue lately - at least I'm logging it as I go (and still trying to stay under my calories). One day at a time.