No one noticing?



  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Maybe they aren't saying anything because they are a little jealous?

    Not everyone is jealous of people losing weight. Really.

    The change may be too gradual for anyone to notice. Or, they might think the subject is awkward.
  • KellyRunyon
    First of all congrats on the weight you have lost. That's awesome!! I have lost around 20 lbs. and no one other than my husband has said anything yet but I am waiting for someone to notice. In fact i was telling someone just the other day that I was waiting for this NSV but so far nothing. Oh well I will keep working at losing the weight and if someone notices I'm sure it will make my day and if not that won't keep me from continuing on losing the weight. :smile:
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Trust me they notice! They probably just not saying anything. I went 5 sizes down (weird because I only lost 23.2 pounds so far) and I have 36 more pounds to go...Havent dropped a cup size yet :( and no one hasnt said much (except my parents and brothers), but I deal with classmates, friends, etc all the time since I gained my 50 lbs and they havent even noticed..or at least mentioned it. I catch them staring at me, so I figured they notice I lost something, but jsut wont say nothing. Dont worry about it! Do it for you! :)
  • JMehl135
    JMehl135 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks everyone for the feedback! As sad as it is, this is the first time my weight loss journey isn't a diet. It is also the first time it is completely for me. I definitely can't say this for my past attempts which is probably why it failed every time before... Whether I get comments or not, I'm going to keep going because this is the best I have felt in years :) What's important is that I can tell and am making the best choices for my body!! (something it has wanted/needed for a long time)

    Great job to everyone so far!!
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    Noticing weight loss is a funny thing. I agree that people may notice but not be sure what to say, it IS a taboo subject, people can lose weight from iillness, or may make the person feel awkward if they comment and find that you weren't TRYING to lose, etc etc.

    Definitely true that people don't notice when you see them every day. My family never said anything until I started talking to them about it, and even then I had to actually ask my dad "Is it THAT noticeable..?" and his response "Oh yeah!!!" and to be honest that felt a bit bittersweet, it does make you realize you were "that big" before, etc.

    I've continued to get comments and compliments since then and it always makes me feel good. It definitely is a great form of motivation but don't let it get you down too much. And if you are more open about your health effort, others will probably feel more welcome to give encouragement and feedback. Example: I was surprised when my coworker hadn't said anything to me about my losses but when I brought up how important health and loss was to me, he said "and you've already lost so much!" Shows he was noticing, just probably wasn't sure how to comment.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Are you doing it for them or for you?

    They may just be rather unobservant or being politically correct - let's not play the jealousy card so quickly, folks.

    I wonder why people don't complain when their friends don't say, "Gee - you sure have gotten fat!!" but they expect them to call out their weight loss? That's my head scratcher of the evening.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    double post
  • JMehl135
    JMehl135 Posts: 37 Member
    Paeli - Definitely agree with what you said. I guess I didn't think about it that way. Thanks!!

    MrsCon40 - this time I'm doing it for myself which is definitely the key. I think the fastest way to fail at this is to do it for someone else :) and thinking about why people don't complain about not getting the "you've gotten fat" comment....I know I'm not going to complain about not getting a negative comment like that hehe
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Perception is evil.
    What matters here is...DO YOU NOTICE? Of which you have stated that you do.

    That is all that matters. Remember, you are doing this for You, not for someone else
  • geri1955
    geri1955 Posts: 106
    Hi, I noticed that the ppl. who see me on a daily basis dont notice, but thiose who haven't seen me in the past few months notice !! As long as i notice I'm happy!!!:noway: