depo shot (of birth control in general )



  • Crawflowr
    Crawflowr Posts: 106 Member
    I've been on depo for several years now and had a mirena coil for 10 years before that and my weight slowly climbed. However since I've started logging what I eat and exercising a bit more and sticking to my net calories as recommended by MFP I have lost weight nearly exactly as predicted actually a little faster ( 1.3 lb per week rather than the predicted 1.1 lb). It is therefore hard to blame the depo for my weight gain I was just eating a bit too much and exercising a bit too little.
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    Before I started taking birth control, I was about 100lbs (I'm only 5'1"). I started on the pill (tried a few at first, ended up taking LoEstrin for most of the time) and gained aver 30lbs in about 3.5 years. Since then, I've switched to NuvaRing (beginning of the year) and managed to stop the weight gain. The weight came on so easily, and it's been hard to take it off. But I can't blame all the weight gain on the birth control, and not losing it is probably mostly my fault for not trying hard enough.

    Honestly, I haven't heard anything good about the depo shot. It's common to have bad/strong side effects, but then again it's the only thing that works for some people. You just have to find what works best for you.
    Took BCP for 15 years no problem losing/maintaining weight. Been on Depo for 3 years and still no problem losing maintaining weight.

    I personally think it changes your hormones and therefore you crave more. People used to try and tell me that Depo was why my daughter was gaining so much weight. But in reality, it was what she was eating and the fact she wasn't moving. Once she started paying attention to those 2 things, the weight came off easily.
  • Xtina_Beba
    Depo shot is the only birth control that is guaranteed to make you gain weight and hard to put off. Some birth controls state it causes weight gain but hardly ever happens. I'm on the patch and I didn't gain weight. Try another contraceptive.
    It doesn't guarantee you'll gain weight. It (as all hormonal birth controls) makes it easier to gain, but to say it guarantees it is simply untrue.

    I used the wrong wording...
    Either way Depo is the contraceptive that has the most "EFFECT" on weight gain. I've read the statistics and have done my research. There are some lucky women who've been on Depo or are on Depo and didn't gain/lose weight.