Nutrition in November Week 6



  • bekkadillon
    bekkadillon Posts: 200 Member
    I will weigh in tomorrow. I've been stuck at 174-176 again. Going to switch it up next week. I also dont thiink I have been eating enough! Not giving up!
    As for challenges, I wouldnt mind if we repeated some. I know it's hard to come up with new ideas. There are some great recipes and workouts ideas at
    Going for a long walk with the dog now! Everyone have a GREAT week!
  • Pam37841
    Pam37841 Posts: 286
    Idea for next week...What about 30 minutes of Dancing per day. It is high in Cardio, not something that the body is normally use to so it could change up the routine and confuse the body?
  • mabelebam
    mabelebam Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks for extending the challenge to another month, Jenn! Will try my best to complete each weekly challenge! :D

    1. Invite someone to work out with you. -Convinced my sister to join me for my 2nd Insanity Fit Test yesterday, and in return she taught me a new dance routine she learned from her gym cardio dance class! :)

    2. Check this site out for info on sleep and weight loss. Try to keep a record of how much sleep you get. From what I have read getting up at the same time every day and going to bed the same time is also better then swinging your hours. -Great info! I'll try to get in as much sleep as I can!

    3. Invest in a pedometer. They really are great to track how much you are walking. You can get a average of steps over a week or so, then try to step it up a notch. -Planning to save up to get a HRM or a cheap Pedometer soon.

    4. Vitamins anyone? -My mum takes Royal Jelly and she says it improves her overall health. She's trying to get me on it too...but its quite pricey. :(

    5. What are your plans to stay on track for the holidays? -Probably going to spend the holidays at my friends and relatives house...gonna rely on smart food choices and portions to stay on track!

    6. Steps. Lets see how many steps we can do. You can count every step in your home, work, everywhere. Even the 1 step into the house, ect. You can get a stool and go up and down it. Let’s shoot for 200 steps a day! -Great idea!!

    7. Share your creative workouts? When you are short on time, how do you fit in a workout? -When I'm watching TV or Youtube, I get some weights and do bicep curls/arm extensions, or simply drop to the floor for some tricep dips, reverse ab crunches and bicycle crunches.

    8. 100 jumping jacks a day. Get that blood pumping! Do them on a commercial break, if you have to! -Hehe will try to!!

    9. Walk, bike, jog... Let’s keep track of how many miles we do this week. If you have a smart phone, runkeeper is a great tool. Or track it on the treadmill. Brisk walking is, oh about 20 minutes for a mile. FYI. Share your total, or share daily, it doesn’t matter.

    10. Add more fruits and veggies to your diet. It really helps with the sodium count, and makes you “regular”. -The produce section of the supermarket is my favourite section picking up new fruits and veg to try. :)

    Have a great week everyone! :)
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    @mabellebam GREAT JOB reporting in! I am so excited to see people get involved. I am sure it motivates Jenn when we do this.

    I would like to add my sneaky workouts. At work I do calf raises whenever I am standing around. I also do chair push-ups. I have a chair with arms and I push down on them to raise my backside from the chair.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member

    Thanks for the coffee cake recipes. I love to eat (obviously, or I wouldn't be here) and this sounds like just the ticket.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    my week:

    I finally got a friend of mine to going the gym with me. We have been working out together for 6 out of the last 7 days! YEAH!!! I currently take a daily vitamin pack from GNC. I don't have the name off hand, but if you are interested, I'll look it up. I think it works well for energy. Sleep: I have always been the kid who sleeps anywhere anytime. After kids, I have been the same way. I had twins so sleep was get it when you can. I get into bed every night at 9, read till 10 and lights out till 4-4:30 am. Even when I'm off work. I have a stepper, and I wear it every day. it is so amazing to see how many steps I take on a busy day at work. Some days I go 15,000 steps and others are 5,000. Just depends on if I am scrubbed in standing in 1 place or if I am running all over at work. For the holidays, I plan on upping my workouts, and I will try my best not to eat a ton. We have certain holiday foods only cooked at them so when they are around it is so hard to eat in moderation! Steps: I have joined a stair challenge on here, so I will log my total at the end of the week. I have been averaging 400-500 a day so far. It is amazing how many I can rack up going up and down the steps in my home!
    I think everyone on here knows my "bathroom" workouts. lol If you want ideas, feel free to ask me! Some days it is the only workouts I get to do. I forgot about the jumping jacks so I'm going to get on it later tonight! For fruit and veggies, I have been craving apples, and sadly been eating canned veggies, because the fresh ones here have looked like pure crap.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    O.K. I just discovered the group section... So... I am off work tomorrow, so I will figure out how to create our group there for all of us to chat there. Downfall is it won't be restarted every week, so the thread might get long. just make a note of where you last posted, like the page number and then you can pick up right where you left off.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    OK our new group name is: NUTSO FOR NUTRITION! Find us there!!! Woot Woot!!!
  • Pam37841
    Pam37841 Posts: 286
    I tried to find the group, I couldn't find it.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I couldn't find it either. I'm probably doing something wrong.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    I think she is doing it tomorrow. Forgot to say please post link to new group…thanks!!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Finished the challenges for week 6.
    1. I invited both my husband and a girlfriend on walks this week. I also did weight training with my son.

    2 I read the article on sleep. I think i am okay.

    3.I did not buy a pedometer. I know I get in sufficient steps. I walk 3-5 miles a day.

    4. My only vitamin is a calcium supplement. I don't know if it does anything beside keep my doctor happy.

    5. Eat small, eat often, and eat to enjoy, not just to eat. That is my holiday plan

    6. I am okay here. Lots of stairs at work.

    7. Chair push-ups, calf raises and tush tucks all work for me at work.

    8. A bit lax on the jumping jacks, but I did other aerobic work.

    9. I did hit about 20 miles this week

    10. Trying to add more fruit. i am okay with veggies.

    I did not lose any weight from week 5 but did not gain either. That is surprising considering I went out to eat everyday except one of them.
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Today's weigh in..... 183.6!!!
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    Today I am down to 178. Its a pleasant surprise after the last few weeks and not getting to workout much But I have been trying to at least stay within cal.
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    I think she is doing it tomorrow. Forgot to say please post link to new group…thanks!!