Ate too much chocolate tonight, allnighter writing a paper

Well! I might have to put dark chocolate on my "junk" list as well, considering I'm pulling an all nighter to write papers (it's not going very well either) and I ate a bunch of my one serving a day treat. I never even eat that much but I think it's because I didn't make tea-ugh! I'm not falling off the wagon entirely, or giving up-just needed to vent that! I feel totally sick from it too so at least it won't happen again for that reason alone haha. My poor body!!


  • AliMatt27
    I read an article yesterday which read, you've eaten this way most of your life it will take some time change that habit. Don't get upset with yourself if you have an off day.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    LOL The funny thing is, I'm not usually a chocolate binger-soft candies are what gets me haha. I think I was just fueling myself with the sugar. I should have made tea! :O