I still feel like the fat person I used to be?



  • WilliamD80
    WilliamD80 Posts: 26 Member
    I have read about this online somewhere. Many overweight people still view themselves as an "overweight" image even with a large amount of weight loss is obtained. I am just getting to the point I feel comfortable in my own skin. I agree that you need to talk with a friend if it is really bothering you or talk to us. It's not just you I promise you that !
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    And women under estimate men so often.... you guys are really not that hard to please.... yes you are all easily visually pleased but most of you need more then that... its us that makes it hard for you guys.

    No, we are not that hard to please and most men don't expect, or want, women to look like they have an eating disorder. It all goes back to the image that society has portrayed on us and the food industry prey's on our emotions too. We are not satisfied with ourselves, and to make up for it we satisfy our tongues with unhealthy food.

    We all have flaws, body imperfections, and things we don't want others to see or know, but having those things is what makes us unique and beautiful. We, as a small community, must support each other and help ourselves and friends to realize that we are beautiful.

    Also, I notice that women constantly "size" each other up in every aspect, which leads to further disappointment if you don't have or look the same as others. Remember, it's accepting you for who you are and knowing that others love you for your uniqueness and personality.

    arh so true and most people do love people for there indvidualisim... its the indivisual that has the problem beleiving. well im talking the evolved people anyhow... let the young ones go hunting for what ever they think they want. something you said about food disorder most men i know prefer the curve.. but all still look at the skinny with fake boobs... its a visual thing.,... wierd
  • reinventingandrea
    I thought I was the only one with this problem. My mom tells me that I have a eating disorder if I see myself this way, but I don't I eat.

    I think it takes sometime for your brain to catch up. Sometimes I find it helps to look at old pictures of myself next to current pictures of myself. The camera doesn't lie. I mean, it let me know that I was way bigger than my mind originally thought.

    Amen on the pictures! I can see a difference in the pictures but when I look in the mirror, there's the fat girl.