I wish I had an English accent.



  • ChicagoSammo
    I have a English Home Counties accent and it has done me no harm at all in the few years that I have been living in the States.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I wish I was from England.
    What's more annoying? I'm actually ENGLISH. I HAD an English accent and then we moved to the States when I was 5 1/2. My parents still have theirs, but my brother's and mine are gone. WAH!!! Holla to Kent, England! That's where my family lives! Every time I visit, I wish we never left. It will always feel like home.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    There is no such thing as an "English" accent - they vary so much wherever you go! ;)
    Ugh, why do English people always say this?? I never hear it from any other country. OF COURSE there is a such thing as an English accent. That doesn't mean there is just one. Notice how it doesn't say THE English accent. Any accent from England is AN ENGLISH ACCENT. Get over yourselves, please!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    By the way, did you notice there is a forum called CHIT CHAT? This isn't it.
  • dandrews010
    dandrews010 Posts: 253 Member
    Well aren't you just a rey of sunshine.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    There is no such thing as an "English" accent - they vary so much wherever you go! ;)
    Ugh, why do English people always say this?? I never hear it from any other country. OF COURSE there is a such thing as an English accent. That doesn't mean there is just one. Notice how it doesn't say THE English accent. Any accent from England is AN ENGLISH ACCENT. Get over yourselves, please!

    Well, the reality that most Americans seem to talk about it as if it were homogenous, and also have an annoying tendency to lump scottish, welsh and irish dialects in there under the rubric of 'englishness' can be a bit irksome.

    But I'm curious, Elizabeth - where are you from? Cause the idea of one of our American cousins suggesting to a British person that they 'get over themselves' on the self-absorbed nationalism front has me in paroxysms....
  • beckamelia1
    well i'm from england and i hate it, its freezing and raining and my accent sounds common!!!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    This thread has been moved to chitchat, reflects the section a bit moreso
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    lol. Why was I just thinking this? I met a girl and we've ran into each other back to back and she's from Paris, France, is an exchange student at my university, but has British parents, I love the combination of accents in her voice.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Oh me too. You'd be surprised though. Americans find English accents very sexy but Brits find American accents just as sexy :) My ex says so all the time! They're crazy for American "accents" even though we don't think we have one lol

    Interesting... must figure out how to capitolize on that. :laugh:
  • Indy_Mario
    I wish I didn't have an accent...although having a Brit accent would be fun!
  • BoxingChick
    BoxingChick Posts: 124 Member
  • markysan
    I have a good old Scottish accent like Gerard Butler (minus his looks, money and lady love appeal)- which is perfectly understandable, before any says otherwise lol.

    For me its who saying it, that makes the accent work or not. However, do find the french accent quite acceptable
  • nothingisred
    There is no such thing as an "English" accent - they vary so much wherever you go! ;)
    Ugh, why do English people always say this?? I never hear it from any other country. OF COURSE there is a such thing as an English accent. That doesn't mean there is just one. Notice how it doesn't say THE English accent. Any accent from England is AN ENGLISH ACCENT. Get over yourselves, please!

    I think it was more of a comment in regards to the general American assumption that every person from the UK has an accent similar to that of Hugh Grant and the Queen's, which of course is not the case. It is slightly annoying when we have such a vast and varied culture that most Americans trivialise into a conceited stereotype. Yes there are stereotypes for every country, but the problem is we regularly encounter Americans who believe the stereotype to be 100% true of all British people and that is why we feel the need to correct it. Apologies for having a bit of patriotism, won't happen again ma'am.
  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    There is no such thing as an "English" accent - they vary so much wherever you go! ;)
    Ugh, why do English people always say this?? I never hear it from any other country. OF COURSE there is a such thing as an English accent. That doesn't mean there is just one. Notice how it doesn't say THE English accent. Any accent from England is AN ENGLISH ACCENT. Get over yourselves, please!

    Well, the reality that most Americans seem to talk about it as if it were homogenous, and also have an annoying tendency to lump scottish, welsh and irish dialects in there under the rubric of 'englishness' can be a bit irksome.

    But I'm curious, Elizabeth - where are you from? Cause the idea of one of our American cousins suggesting to a British person that they 'get over themselves' on the self-absorbed nationalism front has me in paroxysms....

    Sorry, but I agree with the original quote - Travel from Surrey to Newcastle and compare the accents!! There isn't an 'English' accent - unless of course you're referring to the horrid Hugh Grant version that American actors/actresses seem to adopt when playing an English character! (Anne Hathaway's 'Yorkshire' accent in One Day is a perfect example....)

    Similarly, how can American's say they 'don't have an accent'?! I reckon there's a bit of a difference between a New York accent and an accent from a very southern state!
  • beckamelia1
    im from leeds so mine is plain!!!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I wish I was from Argentina.... che boludo

    [but perfectly content with my origins]
  • dandrews010
    dandrews010 Posts: 253 Member
    There is no such thing as an "English" accent - they vary so much wherever you go! ;)
    Ugh, why do English people always say this?? I never hear it from any other country. OF COURSE there is a such thing as an English accent. That doesn't mean there is just one. Notice how it doesn't say THE English accent. Any accent from England is AN ENGLISH ACCENT. Get over yourselves, please!

    I think it was more of a comment in regards to the general American assumption that every person from the UK has an accent similar to that of Hugh Grant and the Queen's, which of course is not the case. It is slightly annoying when we have such a vast and varied culture that most Americans trivialise into a conceited stereotype. Yes there are stereotypes for every country, but the problem is we regularly encounter Americans who believe the stereotype to be 100% true of all British people and that is why we feel the need to correct it. Apologies for having a bit of patriotism, won't happen again ma'am.

    Get over yourself
  • Indy_Mario
    I wish I was from Argentina.... che boludo

    [but perfectly content with my origins]
    Mira loco, no comenzes oiste!
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    I guess I'm the odd American out cause I don't want an English accent or any variations of. No offence to my friends on the other side of the pond you guys sound a bit to proper for me, I'll just keep my hicker Billy way of talking lol