My very own P90x AND Jillian hybrid...I must be nuts!!!

I'd really like some feedback on this....for anyone that would like to give it.
A little background, I am at a healthy weight range for my height and though I'd be fine with losing about 5 more pounds, I've shifted my focus away from the scale and more towards my body composition and of course overall health. I am pear shaped, so my problem area is in the butt and thigh region.
I've done a round of P90X classic, which I enjoyed but I have some mixed thoughts on my results. I gained a lot of muscle in my shoulders and arms which I LOVE because I've always had thin little noodle arms. However, I didn't see much improvement in the butt and thighs.
I also have almost all of Jillian Micheal's dvds and I LOVE all of them. I did the 30DS initially to lose my pregnancy weight and then I progressed to P90X. After P90X I began doing a rotation of Jillian's dvds and I saw HUGE improvements in my butt and thigh area and my arms stayed toned but lost some size.
I want the results from both of these exercise routines! So, in my mind the solution seems simple...DO BOTH!:happy:
I was thinking something like this:
Week 1: Jillian dvd rotation
Week 2: Phase 1 of P90X
Week 3: Jillian dvd rotation
Week 4: Phase 2 of P90X
Of course for longer than 1 month...but you get where I'm going with it? What do y'all think? Variety is a good thing I hear, but is this too much variety?


  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,448 Member
    I like this rotation. :wink: I'm one of those people that believes that you should do workouts that you enjoy, and this rotation is something that really mixes things up. I think that if you eat right and do this rotation you should see results. :wink:
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I dont know what P90SX is but love Jillian workouts. Why have you chosen one week of one and then the next week of the other? Rather than doing both in the same week on alternate days?

    I'm pear shaped too and trying to slim my bottom half down. So interested in what you do. x
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    Seems like a sound plan. Realistically, alternating then like that is the only way you can do both as trying to mix them in per week would undoubtedly not give the muscles sufficient rest. Seems like a decent plan!