Hello I'm tired of trying



  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Here's my advice....Log in every day, everything you eat and exercise! Don't beat yourself up over any mistakes. You will not lose every week, take measurements! I do mine monthly. Make sure you are eating enough! Eat back some or all your exercise calories. This is a lifestyle change not a diet! Motivation comes from within, you have to want this badly enough to do the work!
  • lynner22
    lynner22 Posts: 21 Member
    Keep on truckin', and get rid of yourself as your own barrier!
    Best advice I ever received was to find a buddy and use a buddy system. It creates a feeling of competition and you will continue, and eventually will begin competing with yourself with your previous abilities.
    Also, with a buddy system you do not feel like you are alone in this journey. You WILL do it and you will be great.
  • spasticlulu
    Also, you need to post things on mfp, I have noticed the more you chat and talk with others the more the chance that you will keep coming back, Good Luck =)
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    I was thinking like that too not long ago. I guess we are all just a moment away from feeling that way. Maybe I don't have any right to give advice but being not far removed from where you are, I can tell you what finally got me going.

    I made the same choice with my health that I had to made with my spirituality... it's not what I'm NOT going to do, it's what I AM going to do. If I make it about what I can't have or do, it's negative and I get nowhere. Somehow I decided it's not about a need to lose weight (it overwhelms me to think of that) it's about giving my body what it has needed and wanted for a long time. It became an experiment to see how much of what ailed me might change. It's about curiousity and NOW I'm excited. :) And yes, weight loss happens too. ;) I dont' want raw broccoli but I eat it because that's what I (all by myself) decided I was going to do. I took control, I have the power and I'm pretty dang pumped about it to be honest. :)

    Good luck with your journey. Just know, you are far from being alone.

    Great advice!
  • BV1980
    BV1980 Posts: 272 Member
    I have the same problem with a lot of things in my life. I have an idea for you...

    Take the big picture and break it into small segments. Then break those down further until you have small goals. Make them as small as you can. An example would be to get through 1 day without drinking any pop. If you can create a bunch of tiny goals, then you can focus on starting new ones every day. It has helped me. Instead of starting my goal of losing weight or getting healthier or whatever, I start my goal of going to the gym today. If I succeed or not, I have more small goals waiting for me to "start over" with tomorrow. After a while, all these smaller accomplishments will add up to a lot, and without realizing it you will be working on your bigger goals of losing weight and getting healthier.

    The point is do not overwhelm yourself with the big picture long term goals. Keep breaking them down into smaller sub-goals and that will make things more manageable. Write them all out in a notebook outline style. Make it so they can be reached in a day or two and focus on those, Give that some time and then reevaluate how you are doing on the bigger goals that encompass these smaller ones.

    I hope that helps.

  • ziggydaman
    My Mom used to say, "everything that glitters is not gold". I have embarked on many projects that I thought I needed to or wanted to, but I found through hind sight that everything we start should not be finished. However, regarding your decision to "eat better" and "exercise more", I've started by researching and documenting exactly what I "was" doing. Armed with that and the knowledge that reducing my weight by 7% could avoid or disrupt many medical problems.

    I've routinely consumed in excess of 2,500 calories each day for years, now I'm told that I must reduce that by 1,000 calories each day. I know that I can cut 500 calories just by making better food choices. The difficult part seems to be the portion sizes.

    So I measure/weigh everything I consume. And at the end of today if I have consumed 2.250 calories...yeahhh! That's a 10% reduction. So I celebrate by dancing or walking for 20 minutes.

    Eating healthier and exercising more are important. However, these two facets are only a part of life. Scrutinize your life and find your successes. I know you're successful because you keep trying. You can build upon your successes.
  • christysherry
    christysherry Posts: 7 Member
    Hey ......welcome and godd luck.....lots of little gems of inspiration posted by our fellow MFP'ers.
    Just to add my tupence worth..
    Try to not look too far ahead..take one day at a time.
    Set yourself a realistic attainable target to start with....say 7bls by christmas day (1lb a week)....u should be well able to achieve that...
    Don't try to kill yourself with the excercice when you start build it up slowly....brisk walking building up to a slow jog over 4 weeks..you'll really notice the difference...the more you can do the more you'll want to do.
    Surround yourself with people who will encourage you and get rid of the junk from the larder as it'll remove temptation.
    And mostly look on this a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix diet....you'll soon be looking and feeling soooo much better.

    Best of luck.....c...xx