33 year old, 80 lbs to lose! Need friends! :)



  • Dr_Farru
    Dr_Farru Posts: 63 Member
    I am Sonia from Cincinnati. I want to lose 42lbs. I have been on and off on MFP for the last two years, but joined the social part just yesterday. I am 29 and 5'8.. Add me if you'd like!
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    If anyone is interested in a Fitness group on Facebook, we have some openings. :)
    We do challenges and weekly weigh ins.. we post inspirational and motivational stuff.. Its awesome!
    Msg me. :)
  • Hey Sara.. ...and everyone :)

    similar goals here.. 31 sw 264 cw 238 GW 175 for now started MFP around a month ago when i found the app for my phone..
    From Colorado Springs CO... feal free to add me--- anyone---you can never have to many friends...

    I have PCOS so weight has been and always will be a fight but I will beat it!
    A few years ago I lost almost 80# in only 5 months (spent 2-4 hrs a day 3-6days a week at the gym bustin' my @$$) I got down to 202 and was lookin' great fealin' great! :D so I know i can do it.. and If i can.. ANYONE CAN!