Attn parents - Christmas



  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    My three year old wants switch n go Dinos, dinosaur everything else, books and the like. Last year his letter for Santa that he dictated said: Dear Santa I want a train set and a beaver. I have not been a good boy. Thank you, love Dustin
    All I could say is at least he was honest and thought that wins brownie points. And do you know how hard it is to find a stuffed beaver!!!!!!! I am afraid of his letter this year!

    Edited to say we are also scaling back this year! I have an only child and everyone and their brother spoils him. I am thinking 3 toys he has begged for and two outfits along with a nice stocking.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    For those with kids that love superhero things.. last year I made my younger son a superhero dress up kit. I hit Target and other stores starting the day after Halloween when everything was marked down to half price, and bought several costumes. He and my older son still play with the costumes all the time.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Wow. Talk about some awesome presents. Anyone want to adopt me???

    LOL no kidding!
  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    I have two boys...

    the 12 yo: video games, microsoft points, new phone?
    the 10 yo: LEGOS!! anything I can find that he can build with, microsoft points also

    I really need to start shopping but have been avoiding it. Money is very tight this year :(
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    We're taking our kids (boy 15, girl 10) on a 7 day cruise for Christmas so that's the bulk of their gift. Beyond that though; they'll each have a tablet waiting for them under the tree and maybe an iTunes card so they can download some music of their choice. Beyond that -- the cruise is enough I'd say...
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Christmas planning it's not even Halloween!

    I guess I am behind.

  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    We are kind of scaling back this year too. My son (6) got a 3DS last year so there really isn't anything big that he needs/wants this year. So we will get him a game for that and he has asked for a few toys. The best thing we ever started was when he got into Santa we told him he could only ask for 3 things. We told him Santa would probably give him a few extras and that there would be stuff from Mommy & Daddy too. This has been the best way to reign him in from being super greedy or entitled to masses of gifts. This has also been great because it ensures that we can actually afford to get him the things he really wants. I am definitley up for reading through this thread later for more ideas. My son really doesn't need anymore toys! His room is a disaster!

    In November, the kids have to go through their rooms and donate some of their toys to make room for Christmas. They are usually pretty good about it too.
  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    For those with kids that love superhero things.. last year I made my younger son a superhero dress up kit. I hit Target and other stores starting the day after Halloween when everything was marked down to half price, and bought several costumes. He and my older son still play with the costumes all the time.

    Oh I love this idea!!! My youngest would love this!
  • _Sara_A_
    _Sara_A_ Posts: 113 Member
    For my step-son (6) we got a blow up snow slider with Cars (the disney movie on it), as well as 2 Pirate Books. We're also going to pick up a toque and mitts with designs on it, such as tigers, dinosaurs, frogs etc.
    For my step-daughter (10) we got a bunch of kitchen/cooking things, such as popsicle makers (stars and circles), cupcake shaped spatulas, icecream sandwich maker, and 2 mystery books based in Canada. (She loves cooking)

    Both of their birthdays are in January.
    For my stepson's birthday (he'll be 7) we got him Dinosaur Lego, as well as 2 Dinosaur books.
    For my step-daughter (she'll be 11) we haven't found anything yet.
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    I have a 6 and 4 year old. 6 year old is on a Star Wars kick so he will be getting some Lego Starwars things, small stocking stuffer types. The 4 year old like to play dress up and house so she will be getting things along that line. The big hit this year is probably going to be one of the Wii U's. We have had a regular Wii since it came out and it's about had it. Sounds like a weed whipper when you put a disc in it.

    We have the same problem that Christmas has gotten out of hand. Thing have been purchased just for the sake of buying things and after they are opened they are forgotten about or just never used. They just have too much stuff and not nearly enough room for it all.

    I am planning on making them go through what they have after Halloween so we can make a donation to Good Will before the holidays to make room for anything new and to give our gently used toys a new home.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    my 15yo and 17yo sons will be after xbox games I am certain, they will also get a couple of books, a basketball hoop (entirely necessary for the youngest who plays a lot in teams), chocolate, sweeties, and a toothbrush each (family tradition).
    They will be spending their first multi location Christmas as my husband and I split up earlier this year. Some liaising required methinks.
    My 22yo daughter has moved to her own house, a total wreck, so needs lots of cash, building and decorating supplies, and plenty of help and and encouragement. Oh, and some cookware, as she loves to bake!

    Merry Christmas to you all hahahaha!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I have kids with Autism so the whole surprise thing causes more upset than its worth so they are each getting £100 each ( except the eldest has asked us to pre-order him a game with some of his) and Santa will bring a few small gifts.

    They like to be able to get what they want - no tantrum or upsets on the day ( even the right toy, wrong colour will cause a meltdown) but if they see something they like in a sale before xmas they can get it but not have it till xmas day.
  • nikic50
    nikic50 Posts: 209
    My "littlest" is 16 and hasn't provided a wish list yet, but I am assuming clothes and computer/videogame/DVD items will be most of it. We set our budget and then usually buy right off the list. The 18-year-old most likely will want cold, hard cash, so we'll try to find some creative way to give her that.

    My parents have given us some cash (presents too, but never overboard) every year since I've been in High School (20 years ago) & each year it is given to us differently. They are very they took branches off the trees outside & twist-tied money to the branches & called it our "Money Tree"....since my dad's favorite saying is, "whadya think, money grows on trees?!?"
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    My girls aren't little anymore, but the same rule applies. The Baby Jesus received 3 gifts and they will get 3 gifts. Chose wisely. They always get gifts from others in the family. But this has kept the wishlist from going overboard.
  • spiralated
    spiralated Posts: 150 Member
    My girls aren't little anymore, but the same rule applies. The Baby Jesus received 3 gifts and they will get 3 gifts. Chose wisely. They always get gifts from others in the family. But this has kept the wishlist from going overboard.

    That's an awesome idea!
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    20 year old wants a double bed!
    18 year old wants ANOTHER Guitar!
    13 year old wants a new computer!
    11 year old has no idea!
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    My girls aren't little anymore, but the same rule applies. The Baby Jesus received 3 gifts and they will get 3 gifts. Chose wisely. They always get gifts from others in the family. But this has kept the wishlist from going overboard.

    I like the idea even though I'm not religious. Great concept to make it manageable!
  • dcurzon
    dcurzon Posts: 653 Member
    My girls aren't little anymore, but the same rule applies. The Baby Jesus received 3 gifts and they will get 3 gifts. Chose wisely. They always get gifts from others in the family. But this has kept the wishlist from going overboard.


    our 3yr old gets spoilt. I try to reign in the spending, she goes overboard and has to get him this and get him that and this and that, oh and some of these as well, and you cant get that without getting this etc etc etc.
  • kelsey054
    kelsey054 Posts: 110 Member
    This is my daughters first christmas (she'll be about 9 month;) I'm not getting her clothes because so many people have bought her clothes that go all the way up to 5T. My list so far.

    - Stacking cups, drop cups and shape blocks with bucket (It's all in one)
    - Phone (the one you pull with the string)
    - A play cell phone
    - A ball that promotes crawling

    That is all I have so far, but I also plan to get her:

    - A convertible car seat (her big gift)
    - Push n' ride seat
    - A light up thing for her crib
    - Then maybe a few little things here and there if they are on sale.

    I'm a major couponer/bargain shopper. I'm pretty proud of myself to say the things I've already gotten her, I've only spent $3.71 of my own money; everything else was from promotional gift cards and coupons.

    Sorry I had to add, that my daughter doesn't have hardly any toys (she don't pay attention right now, so why waste the money;) Therefore that's why I'm going kind of over-board.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member

    Cabela's camo ride on atv....$50 at cabela's