do you plan on rewarding yourself?



  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    definitely going to get some nice clothes.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I reward myself every night... right before I go to bed. Best 30 seconds of my life.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    My fiance is going to get me a traditional Samoan tatoo.

    And some othe stuff that is none of your d*** business =)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    No... a reward makes me think that I've finished something. I'm not dieting, I'm improving my health, and that will never end.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    yah hubby mentioned a shopping spree he said I could get $500 to do with as I please. DRESSES! and such. I really want a tattoo but as it turns out my fear of needles will likely forbid that =(
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Gonna have to buy clothes and I will not lie and say I'm not looking forward to it because I AM. Buying clothes as a skinny person is awesome! Buying clothes as a fat person blows goats!

    But i'm actually already back to the point where clothing shopping is at least REASONABLY fun meaning I can pick up a medium or an 8-10 and expect it to fit and look ok. Which is pretty sweet considering how much I weigh still (177, 5'6")

    I have been struggling to think of rewards for myself for a long time now. The problem is that when I want something, I pretty much get it. Or don't want to spend the money and so I don't get it. So my weight loss is irrelevant to that.

    Maybe I'll do something extra special for my 30th birthday in June although I doubt I will be at my goal by then, I'm losing really slowly.
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    For those of you looking for ideas, why not treat yourself to something that will encourage you to KEEP being healthy? I'm a gear *kitten*, so for me that is things like a new bike, new running shoes, a headlamp (for night mountain biking), etc. Treat yourself to some kickass new running shoes or a hot new bathing suit or new bike tires (see, gear *kitten*!) or something similar.

    I wonder how many people spend all that time and effort losing weight and getting healthy, then treat themselves to a vacation, and that vacation turns into the beginning of the end... eating out every meal, drinking, lounging around, etc.
  • kenlad64
    kenlad64 Posts: 377 Member
    My original reward was a new BIG flat panel TV, .... well, I decided to wait on that and get an HRM upon goal weight, is funny how your priorities change as you change your life, ....I also no longer want that "Big Daddy Deep Fryer" either!
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    I started with goals at first too... 20 lbs = pedicure etc but now I've kind of switched over to the whole "if I treat it like its an ending, will I quit?" mode so I'm more likely to agree with jacksonpt on this one. Maybe I'll just buy some smaller workout close and a Zumba video and keep on going!
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    I'm hoping my reward is living till i'm 100 and not having to ever take insulin!
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I love amusement parks and have avoided them for many years for fear of not "fitting" in the rides. I think I'll take my kids as a reward! Woot!
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    For those of you looking for ideas, why not treat yourself to something that will encourage you to KEEP being healthy? I'm a gear *kitten*, so for me that is things like a new bike, new running shoes, a headlamp (for night mountain biking), etc. Treat yourself to some kickass new running shoes or a hot new bathing suit or new bike tires (see, gear *kitten*!) or something similar.

    I wonder how many people spend all that time and effort losing weight and getting healthy, then treat themselves to a vacation, and that vacation turns into the beginning of the end... eating out every meal, drinking, lounging around, etc.

    I have 8 bikinis in different colors, maybe I could actually swim in them...
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I love amusement parks and have avoided them for many years for fear of not "fitting" in the rides. I think I'll take my kids as a reward! Woot!

    this is great!