Weekend Weight Worries

Hello Everyone,

I am an 2 timer. I tried this application back in Jan but quit after less than a month. However, this time I'm excited because I am recruiting friends! I'm using every tool available to assist with this weight loss/ life change challenge. I am a week into this and now the weekend begins! I don't want to mess up and cheat. I understand preparation is the key so I'm soliciting any helpful menu planning advise, easy healthy recipes, healthy restaurants, just any secrets to keep me on track on the weekends. The weekend are my weakness, I'm no longer chained to my desk working away from food! I am a busy mother of 17 month old twins so my time is cramped and am always on the go on the weekends. All suggestions are appreciated.


  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    first point, don't look at eating something bad as cheating, because then you will do it. Look at life as choices... I eat whatever I want, but I do so in moderation within my calorie count. I never deny my bodies cravings... If I crave chocolate, I eat it, I just limit my self to a serving or so. It has made all the difference because as I lose the weight it stays off and I am building a lifestyle of healthy eating.... it is about changing a mindset about food.... food isn't the enemy, the enemy is how we approach it
  • Thanks for your reply! Your right, I have to change my mind set. I'm soo scared of messing up, getting off my calorie count. I think its because this is my second attempt to get my body back. I want to seriously give this weight loss/ lifestyle thing a chance to work! Trying to stay MOTIVATED :happy:
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    first point, don't look at eating something bad as cheating, because then you will do it. Look at life as choices... I eat whatever I want, but I do so in moderation within my calorie count. I never deny my bodies cravings... If I crave chocolate, I eat it, I just limit my self to a serving or so. It has made all the difference because as I lose the weight it stays off and I am building a lifestyle of healthy eating.... it is about changing a mindset about food.... food isn't the enemy, the enemy is how we approach it

    Smart woman right here.... I do the same thing. Check out Cooking Light's website and magazine's (a lot of libraries have subscriptions, but it isn't that expensive either).... I have LOVED almost every recipe I've tried..... espcially good, quick and simple are Linguini with Peppery Shrimp and Ancho Pork Medalions.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Agreed- depriving yourself of things you love is the number one reason that people don't succeed with making this lifestyle change. Just be smart about it, it's all about moderation :D
    Try planning meals and snacks in advance. Make large batches of healthy meals and freeze them in individual containers so you can have a healthy meal even when you don't have time to make one. Bring healthy snacks with you when you go places so you won't be tempted by fast food as well!