how to tame late night snacking

buffjess Posts: 382
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
ok, i did good all day and here comes 8pm..i am starving so i go and eat WAY too much :noway:
i feel like i have to eat or i will explode!:explode: has anyone got any advice on this?


  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    ok, i did good all day and here comes 8pm..i am starving so i go and eat WAY too much :noway:
    i feel like i have to eat or i will explode!:explode: has anyone got any advice on this?
    JMAMA Posts: 298 Member
    i'm havin some milk chocolate chips-just a few!!!
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194
    can you move dinner later? and/or leave extra calories in your plan so you have an evening snack already counted?
  • speckle
    speckle Posts: 40 Member
    haha yeah a few choc chips would NEVER work for me... i think i could eat like half a cup, if i didn't stop myself...

    In winter I like something warm so i have:

    Tea with milk has few calories, and the dairy makes it a little more satiating for me atleast.

    Oatmeal I find is a good option too, because it is SO FILLING. Don't get sweetened ones though. Get plain and sweeten it yourself so you are in control of those calories.

    If you don't need to worry about sugar, hot cocoa made with water (but with maybe 2 tbsp of milk for creaminess) It sounds kind of gross, but i've been doing it for years, even before i starting counting cals.
  • t2tsch
    t2tsch Posts: 1
    stand naked in front of the mirror...your hunger will wane.
  • "suldrun" has the right idea! if you know you're a late night snacker, save some calories (about 200) for a snack (preferably a protein snack - not something loaded with sugar or carbs - the protein will feed your body longer while you sleep and will help keep your metabolism revved up!).....also, are you drinking enough water? sometimes even slight dehydration can feel like hunger (try drinking at least half your body weight in ounces) :drinker: way i try to make sure i REALLY am hungry is to ask myself "would i eat a big bowl of steamed broccoli right now?"...if i answer yes, then i know i REALLY am hungry...if i say "no - that doesn't sound good", then i know i'm just thinking about food and i'm not really hungry...i hope this helps! best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • willem
    willem Posts: 26
    Water. Totally unoriginal, I know. But when I've been cravin' after 7, I pretty much chug a 20-oz tumbler of cold water. It helps me, anyway.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I read this somewhere, and I found it works... Get some Crest Whitestrips or some other kind of whitening product. When I'm getting a crazy craving, I'll put one of these on for 30 minutes, then brush my teeth right afterwards. I don't feel like snacking when I go through all the trouble to clean my teeth!!:tongue:
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    I leave a hundred calories for a 8pm snack. Its usually those mini bags of popcorn. Its been working so far! I also drink alot of water if the popcorn doesn't do the trick.....i eat supper around 5:30 or 6pm im not so hungry come 8pm.
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    stand naked in front of the mirror...your hunger will wane.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    that would definately work~!
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I won't eat after 7 pm

    so I will just drink me some water
  • I also have this problem!!

    We eat dinner around 3 pm (next week earlier like 2pm) Because my hubby works the 4-1230 so we can have dinner together.

    Does any one know if this is good eating bigger earlier and lighter later?
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