
Hey Everyone,

I just signed up for this site today! I am not wanting to lose much weight, only ten pounds, as I am already smaller. But I am more wanting to tone and strengthen my body. My goals are toned legs and arms, and tight abs. I have been really working to change my eating habits, and having a balanced nutrution plan. Which so far, has been going great!


  • Marybeme
    10 LBS is sometimes harder to loose than say 50 or so.. When you are smaller it is just as hard. Good luck on your goal.. This site I have found to be really good. it has a great data base of not only Food but exercise.. Good luck and welcome.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I posted a similar question about this a few weeks ago. Try looking at Women's Health or Self Magazines for training tips, ideas, recipes.