How do you decide what a goal weight would be?



  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Pick a number, work towards it and evaluate when you get close.

    I vote for this! I picked a round number as a figure to have in my head as a goal, but honestly I have never been that size as an adult, so I have no idea if that is where I want to maintain. It's is fine to pick a milestone to aim for as motivation, but it doesn't matter what that number is so don't stress!
  • perceptualobfuscator
    Quite frankly, there is no easy way. What I would do is set your initial goal to the higher end of the healthy weight BMI category, and decide when you get there. Everyone is going through this differently, and I'm sure all of us know people who have a highish weight but look fantastic, simply because they work out so much that they don't have much fat and excellent muscle tone. It really depends on yourself as an individual - how much you exercise, your body fat percentage, frame size, and comfort level.

    I started at 5'1 and 135, just three pounds overweight. I thought I'd be happy just to be under 130, but ended up going for 125. After meeting that, I decided to tentatively aim for 120. Right now I'm focusing more on getting in shape than weight loss, and I'm not pushing myself too hard on calories. I tell you about my experience so that you see that when you start out here, you don't always know what you want. I sure didn't. It's hard to tell what will look and feel right from a distance.

    Good luck!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    By seeing what body fat percentage I want to end up being and correlating that with my lean body mass.
  • withoutaname
    withoutaname Posts: 64 Member
    I have a few goals. The first one is to get back to my "usual" weight before I gained quite a bit, then the second one is where my BMI would be considered "average" instead of "overweight", and the final one is my "ultimate" goal.

    I chose 60kg to be my ultimate goal because it sounds like a number where I'll be very content with, and I know that it's still realistic for me to reach. I haven't been that weight in a very long time, probably when I was still growing, but when I look back at younger photos of me I just want to be that shape again so badly.

    It just seems like a right, round, even number to be a goal weight. It's halfway in between the range for all those ideal weight calculators, so even if I lose more I wouldn't be complaining, but as long as I reach that goal I know I'll be very happy with myself.
  • rcharest8
    rcharest8 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'6 with a medium frame and 150 looks good on me. I would just lose until you feel comfortable.