Are there still people like this?

Troll Posts: 922 Member
okay, with shows like pit boss and pitbulls and parolees, not to mention the canine bite stats, are there really still people that are afraid of any bully type dog? (including but not limited to cane corsos, presa canarios, bull terriors, bull mastiffs, staffordshire terriers, black mouth currs, american bulldogs, and american pitbull terriers) i have been nervous around certain dogs, but not whole breeds. Seems kind of silly, especially with all the breed education resources out there. Just wondering :)


  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Me! As someone who was attacked by a pittbull a few years ago (without provocation)....I'm terrified.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Yes, still plenty of ignorant people in the world unfortunately :\
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Me! As someone who was attacked by a pittbull a few years ago (without provocation)....I'm terrified.

    you don't think it's absurd to judge a whole breed by the actions of one dog?
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    Me! As someone who was attacked by a pittbull a few years ago (without provocation)....I'm terrified.

    just pit bulls or all dogs?
  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    It's not the dog, or the's the owner.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Me! As someone who was attacked by a pittbull a few years ago (without provocation)....I'm terrified.
    you don't think it's absurd to judge a whole breed by the actions of one dog?
    There's a word for this...just can't quite think of it...
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    I was attacked my a "friendly" golden lab when I was child... not going to hate the whole breed because I was attacked by 1 out of millions... Not afraid of bully type breeds, it's the owner all the way when it comes to those breeds... I know so many kind, loving and gentle bully type dogs.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Pit's are my favorite. It breaks my heart that people are still so judgmental.
    It is absolutely the owner rather than the dogs that are to blame.
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    Unfortunately, there are people like this. Some people are too ignorant to realize that it is the owner that makes the dogs this way. It's not the breed. There are some pretty nasty small dogs, but no one ever thinks of them as being "attack" dogs. I have been bitten by a dalmation and a German Shepherd, but would never hold it against the breed, but I also can't blame someone that has been attacked by a specific breed for fearing that breed.
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    There was a recent pit bull attack in Aus where the dog ran into a home and killed a child while they clung to their mother. So pit bull fear is probably high here.

    I think the issue is the owners the breed attracts. Like those that go pig hunting and treat their dogs like little weapons and not a pet.

    I have a bull mastiff cross (are we including those?) we think he is part rotti or something and rotti were used as war dogs and to herd cattle. But he is the cutest lil doggy around and a complete coward, the kids ride him like a horse.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    i don't discriminate. i'm scared of all dogs
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Yeah, I guess I'm one of those ignorant people. But then again, I pretty much don't trust any animal unless I know what the individual animal is like. I have a cat who seems all sweet and friendly to strangers and then will lash out at them without warning. And he's just a domestic long haired cat. So you just never know how an animal might react to someone.
  • brk_1982
    brk_1982 Posts: 125 Member
    I know it's not necessarily rational, but I am MORE nervous of breeds that could do serious damage than those that are less physically able to. I'm a dog owner, and completely agree that it's the owner, not the dog. But an abused pit bull can do a lot more damage to me than an abused chihuahua!
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    I think any dog can be dangerous with the wrong owner.
    I had 3 Shar-Pei, who have a pretty bad rap as mean/vicious/attacking dogs.
    They were 3 of the most loving and friendly dogs. Even my vet was so surprised at how well they behaved.

    I think it's a shame to have that feeling against a breed, but it does happen, and I think it is on the owners of such breeds to be responsible and be champions for them!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Yes... me. My small dog (who was on a leash) and I were attacked by a pit bull while walking in our neighborhood. The pit bull hurdled the railing on a second floor deck and came charging. It was the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me. I ended up with lots of bruises and bites on my hands, thighs and the back of my neck - mostly defensive wounds. And I believe that my pug only survived because I covered him with my body and assumed the same posture one would when attacked by a grizzly bear.

    I am a true dog lover and I know in my mind that there are many sweet, nice-mannered dogs in that class of breeds, but I am always initially uneasy and nervous when I see a dog like this. I would never personally own one, either.

    And sorry... but I don't think the way I feel is 'silly'.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    My mom has a pit bull mix that's been in the family for over a decade, and he's the sweetest dog ever...of course, we love him and care for him and therefore he didn't grow up and become a mean "bully dog."

    I was shot at by a human once before. But I am not terrified of all humans because one @$$ hole attacked me. That would be ignorant of me.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Yes there are. I meet a lot of them while out walking my dog, and a lot of the "bully" breed owners whose dogs bear the brunt of that hatred. It' stupid and cruel, the ammount of dogs I meet and we play with who aren't permitted around other dogs, not because of their own owners but because of the racist and elitist attitude of other dog owners, it's really shocking! We now make a point of going over and greeting these bully breeds because we may be the only ocial contact that dog gets outside of it's own family, despite the owners being friendly, nice, going out in public place, taking their dogs to dog walking' just people don't want to know. It's small minded rascism, and Ye I stand by that. Racism i defined as "hatred or intolerance of another race or other races." If you love some dog breeds and hate others then you are rscist to those breeds!

    I understand being wary of dogs, I am too, but not all of a specific breed, there are some labs I'll be on edge around and they're one of the most laid back dog breeds you'll ever meet. But it's not the dog, it's the owner.
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Judge the Deed NOT the Breed.
  • NinjaMonkey201
    Many many moons ago, we had a 165 lb rottweiler. She was a big, tough looking dog and she HATED little dogs. We were camping once, and she went under our camper to attack a little dog. The little dogs owner took us to court and wanted our dog put down because she "viscously attacked him", (him as in the owner, not the dog) and he wanted her put down.
    The judge actually met our dog and said there was no way in hell she attacked the owner (she would literally roll over to a stranger so they could pet her belly). And she continued to live a long and happy life (and still hated little dogs).
    I fully believe it's not the dogs that are bad, it's the owners. And because of those bad owners, people get scared of the dogs.
  • patilee
    patilee Posts: 125
    Just like there are "crazy" people in this world, there ARE "crazy" dogs. In fact temperament in dogs is genetic. That's not to say that environment doesn't have an equal (ish) influence, but genetics also plays a major role in how a dog behaves.
    Some breeds ARE more prone to biting , or hunting, or even obedience. Some breeds naturally herd animals, dig, etc.
    So it's not completely narrow minded to appreciate the negative characteristics of a particular breed and be wary.
    That being said, I love dogs and am not afraid of any particular breed, but I understand why some people are.