
Everyone else asks for opinions on their diary so here's mine. Don't look at just todays. Go back a couple days and give me an overview of everything. Yes, I do know i need to drink more water.


  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    My suggestion would to pack it full of more veggies and fruit. Also, what about grilling some chicken breast and having that with veggies instead of premade meals?

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • inspiration345
    inspiration345 Posts: 218 Member
    Do you fast once in a while?
  • Tmbrooks75
    Tmbrooks75 Posts: 182 Member
    I am not a cook by any stretch of the imagination so the steamed meals are perfect for me in that regard.

    As for fasting, I cant do that. If I don't eat, then I get nauseated.
  • inspiration345
    inspiration345 Posts: 218 Member
    Oh then you just have non logged days in your diary. Hehe, I don't fast either. My stomach hurts very bad if there is no food in it.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    The only thing I would say is try to incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables if you can. Aim for 4 servings of each if you can!
  • Tmbrooks75
    Tmbrooks75 Posts: 182 Member
    whats the daily recommendation? a cup? two cups?
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    First of all, you and your son are two cutie-patooties!!!

    There is a LOT of packaged foods in your diet~ like EVERY single meal!! Are you away from home for every meal? (meaning you have no access to a kitchen?) And you know about all those "chemicals" in those meals, right?

    Why not sit yourself down and figure out what you actually LIKE to eat and work that out for a menu, go to the grocery store and get some REAL food!

    Bags of frozen veggies (without sauce) can be nuked easily and so can fresh veggies.

    I KNOW you can cook on the grill, I just KNOW it!! Almost ANY meat can be cooked on the grill and be quick, tasty and low fat.

    You seem to be within your calorie range although sometimes you are under~ I do it too but be careful if your weight loss starts to stall.

    Remember~ you don't want to set yourself up to eat in a way to LOSE weight that you won't keep up for the rest of your life.
    (wish I could take the credit for that but I read it here and found it to be MOST helpful)