A few of my recent NSVs [and a scale victory]

So, I've been having a good week [aside from yesterday]:

First; I noticed with my belt that I've had since I was about 13, when I first got it as a Christmas present it was much too big, I had to make new notches about 3 or 4 inches from the original holes, getting older and gaining weight from recovery I've had to make new notches and even use the ones originally put in the belt, it had gotten to the point where I was ashamed to wear my favorite belt, since the start of my weightloss, aside from having to get new pants and clothes, I haven't been needing my belt. This week I put my belt on and noticed that I was able to fit it into the second notch I had made into it when I was about 14. That's one away from being in the same one I used when I first got the belt. It was an amazing feeling.

Second; I walked with my mom the 6 blocks to my sister's school to pick her up, and before my sister had gotten out of her class one of her little friends got out of her class first so she came up and hugged me, and she exclaimed "[name], You're SO skinny!" It felt amazing, since we all know how brutally honest a 6 year old can be. :]

Last; I saw one of my friends at the gym that I hadn't seen in a few months, and he walked right past me, TWICE, I was wondering if I had done something to make one of his friends mad and he was upset with me because of that, finally he walked past me a third time and stopped, did a double take, and then said "WHOA, I totally didn't recognize you. You look great!" It was amazing. I felt great and ran a little harder on the treadmill.

Finally after working out at the gym that day I actually weighed myself, and I have lost 5 pounds for the month of October, I'm so proud of myself, I'm only 7lbs from my goal weight. 7!! That's like another month and a half, and lucky me, I have an excuse to not pig out on turkey day, being vegan ROCKS!!!

Sorry for the novel guys, I was just so happy, I had to share with all of you. ^.^


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