MILF not a possibility?



  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    How can I put this politely?
    ....your friend is an idiot.

  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm probably not the "right" person to comment, but so much of whether or not a person is attractive has to do with how he or she carries her/himself.... friends of mine were surprised I'd had kids, since it appeared to require a partner, let alone a spouse.....

    Anyway: I weigh less, have better stamina, and am stronger than I've been since high school. I store bits in different places than I did in my twenties (but I'm old), but I've been hit on by more people..... I don't know how much of that has to do with me feeling better about myself, and how much has to do with my actually looking better, though. I've also been carded more in my forties than in my twenties.....

    I will never be "hot," but I resigned myself to that long ago. So, quite possibly, I may mature into "woman I'd probably have coffee with" rather than anything more pornographic.
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I don't think she is much of a friend - just someone trying to put you down to make herself feel better. I'm sure you'll look amazing when you reach your goal. Don't even think twice about her comments.
  • spyork
    spyork Posts: 187
    Your friend is a total **** to be honest, a bit of green eyed monster perhaps, i coached a lady who had 3 kids and went back down to a size six and had better abs than me! You go for it and find yourself a proper friend.

    Add me if you like
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    How can I put this politely?
    ....your friend is an idiot.


    Ever seen the ladies from ChaLEAN Extreme videos? One of them has 7KIDS...and looks better than I ever did and I have never been pregnant in my life.
  • sjadams01
    How can I put this politely?
    ....your friend is an idiot.

    Idiot is too kind. I have another five letter word in mind...

    What they said!!!!!!
  • marquesajen
    Wow, it sounds like your friend is a bit rude! Of course you can look as good, or better! Could it be your friend is jealous of you or bitter of her own experiences? Hers is just one opinion.
  • GDavis25
    GDavis25 Posts: 6 Member
    No offence or anything but that is just nonsense your friend is feeding you! Whether you have kids or not if you look fabulous you look fabulous. Dont let that get you down. I have friends who have kids who look absolutely amazing. Good luck to you on your weight loss journey!
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    How can I put this politely?
    ....your friend is an idiot.

  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    How can I put this politely?
    ....your friend is an idiot.

    That is the best way to put it. I was in better shape after my first child than before. I actually had curves. I let myself go after my second and third (both of which were c-sections) but my husband is really loving my weight loss. I may not ever get to my post first child pregnancy body but I know a lot of very sexy mamas! Don't let your friend discourage you.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Your friend is an idiot. I've never been in better shape. And I've got two kids.
    It's all about the desire and putting in the work.
  • Pancakelovessyrup
    whew! I was starting to think I was going crazy thinking all this exercising and banning of chickfila (oh how I miss you) was for nothing. Thanks all for your replies; hopefully I can prove her so wrong. (=
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    How can I put this politely?
    ....your friend is an idiot.

    Absolutely this. :smile:

    Your body might change in subtle or not so subtle ways, and that happens to everyone with time whether they have kids or not. But you can be every single drop as hot and drop dead gorgeous as ever!

    This woman is amazing, and has two kids:

    This is a mom, too:

    And there's loads and loads of incredible, hot, sexy moms all over here! Cruise through the success stories and see for yourself.

    And find a new friend. This one sounds kinda nuts. :wink:
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    Total BS ... Your friend may just have issues of her own !!
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    I know alot of hot moms, you can do it...but do it for yourself! For me, my "reward" is to be able to run with no shirt on and not feel like I am grossing everyone out. I am a bit of a sun worshiper, but i cant get in too much trouble there, I live in Oregon lol.

    Funny side note... last year I was picking my high schooler from track practice...Was in my jeep with a tank top on... my boy jumped in the car all embarrassed...i was like "whats wrong" he just said DRIVE!... a few blocks later he said "This hot girl called you a DILF" looking past the creepy part, it was flattering lol.
  • 05saleengirl
    How can I put this politely?
    ....your friend is an idiot.

    Idiot is too kind. I have another five letter word in mind...

    ^^ Ditto for me too on this! I've had a baby and yeaj,I gained 45+ pounds with her and am back to pre-pregnancy size. I do still have more to loose, but absolutely it can be done. My sister uses MFP too and had a C-Section and has lost 45lbs so far.

    I have a your "friend" trying/struggling to loose weight? I've had friends who have been critical of me before when I've been trying to lose weight and they themselves are stuck or what have you. And instead of being decent, they pound out the insulsts for their own insecurities. If you've done it absolutely can do it again!! :)
  • 05saleengirl
    I know alot of hot moms, you can do it...but do it for yourself! For me, my "reward" is to be able to run with no shirt on and not feel like I am grossing everyone out. I am a bit of a sun worshiper, but i cant get in too much trouble there, I live in Oregon lol.

    Funny side note... last year I was picking my high schooler from track practice...Was in my jeep with a tank top on... my boy jumped in the car all embarrassed...i was like "whats wrong" he just said DRIVE!... a few blocks later he said "This hot girl called you a DILF" looking past the creepy part, it was flattering lol.

    Too funny...DILF...thats a new one...or well I'm just getting old! Ive never heard that one before lol
  • lalinzki
    lalinzki Posts: 121
    Are you sure that she's your friend? It honestly doesn't sound like it. You can do it. Don't let her negativity bring you down.
    Some or almost all of them tend to say something negative when doing something positive..Also I FREAKING LOVE YOUR "Sweat is Fat Crying" I was rolling..LOL..
  • lalinzki
    lalinzki Posts: 121
    Sorry double post
  • Pancakelovessyrup
    How can I put this politely?
    ....your friend is an idiot.

    Idiot is too kind. I have another five letter word in mind...

    ^^ Ditto for me too on this! I've had a baby and yeaj,I gained 45+ pounds with her and am back to pre-pregnancy size. I do still have more to loose, but absolutely it can be done. My sister uses MFP too and had a C-Section and has lost 45lbs so far.

    I have a your "friend" trying/struggling to loose weight? I've had friends who have been critical of me before when I've been trying to lose weight and they themselves are stuck or what have you. And instead of being decent, they pound out the insulsts for their own insecurities. If you've done it absolutely can do it again!! :)

    yes, she had her first child just about a yr ago and is over 200lbs. I think she had said 240lbs. She has always been over the 200 mark but I just cannot conceive making people feel bad. I would never purposely have intentions to be negative or mean in such a way. I have to admit I am wayyy bigger then I usually am, but still wayy smaller then she is. I usually weigh around 113 and now I weigh 149. I gave birth 10 weeks ago and have lost 41lbs (11lbs of it has been on my own and not the usual pregnancy immediate melt off pounds). I still have 15lbs to pre-pregnancy weight and 20more lbs to pre- going off birth control weight (grrr hormonal weight gain). However, I will say I do have this crazy drive to lose it before mid year 2012; because my lovey comes back from overseas and I want him to be like woah, there's my wilf (wife id like to *kitten*)