Does studying burn calories?!



  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    As someone who did monk's work for 11 years (sitting at a desk, studying contracts, and comparing contracts, without moving for hours), I can say that this is seriously damaging to your health. If you are young, you can get away with abusing your body, but if you adopt this kind of lifestyle over the long run, you are asking for serious problems. This info-graphic sums it up nicely:

    The basic question is how do you cope when you are tired? Do you eat? Do you go out for fresh air and exercise? Do you drink?

    Sit and eat, and you'll get fat. It takes a fair amount of self-discipline to program yourself to take a break, and move your body.

    Stand at at a counter to study. Sit on a balance ball. And when you dive down deep in concentration, put on a timer that will bring you out and remind you that you need to walk around the library for 10 min per hour before diving down deep again. And make sure that you are getting at least an hour or two or cardio per day.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    I think the hunger has more to do with your stress level than actual calorie requirement. Studying is stressful.
  • ljoooo5

    This was a Harvard Publication that calculated various activities and the amount of calories that a person burns. Hope this is helpful.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    How many calories did you burn digging up this old thread?
  • drvibz
    Lol I logged in for the first time on the website through my computer while searching answer for my Q ie, "Do you burn more calorie while studying.?"

    Some facts:
    Brain requires near 20% of our calorie intake.
    Brain can only utilize Glucose as an energy source.

    Naturally while you study hard, especially during exams we may require more calories. But, that could be sufficed by lost physical activity due to sitting hours together straight.

    Probably we should intake such foods which are :
    easily digested and quick to absorb > go for carbs
    Low on fat> so that you can have more amount food and feel less hungry

    I always have bananas with milk+sugar ! They are source of quick energy, high in potassium (good for brain)

    If you want to know how many calories one burns while studying check this website, not sure how authentic it is.
  • iloveplumjam
    I am a first year student at medical school and I remember one of my professors telling us that the brain uses a lot of energy when you are actively studying hard. It was a small tutorial and we were like 'I always Im using studying as an excuse to eat' but he disagreed. What is interesting to me is that although I moved less during the last exam period I lost quite a bit of weight. I wasn't particularly stressed about them either, so I guess he could be right. He also says it is a myth that the brain uses only glucose because when your blood glucose runs out it uses cholesterol for energy.