couch to 5kms

meex Posts: 135 Member
I have decided i am going to give this a go as i have always wanted to be able to run for ages like those skinny girls at the gym! Has onyone done it and achieved good results AND

Who wants to start with me? Im starting tomorrow there is a link below for anyone that wants to follow the program


  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    I have started it before, and not finished, but I'll be doing it again soon (probably) because my roommate wants to start running and I promised to help since I have slightly more experience. I really liked it the first time (well, after a few weeks I liked it, the beginning was hell) but I hurt my leg, and, well... I'm lazy. Anyway, I'll be happy to add you and maybe we can keep each other on track!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    I am starting tomorrow - there is a C25K group on here for those starting around 5 november, feel free to join!
  • I've done 4 or 5 sessions of it so far, but have yet to actually finish the first workout. I'm going to keep at it, though. Maybe joining the group on here can help keep me motivated.
  • It looks like an awesome program! But I think I'm gonna personalize it a little bit, because the first week looks a bit difficult for me. I've tried running for 60 seconds, and I can't seem to do it, so I'm starting with just 30 seconds running/jogging for my first week, and then I'll probably build it up to 60 seconds for the next 2 weeks.

    Good luck! :)
  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    Yay, now i have ppl to be accountable to! Thanks guys, i will post everytime i complete a level, hope you guys do too
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    Great that your starting...why tomorrow? Why not today? This is not something you can do in one day.....this place is not temporary it is a lifestyle change and if you think your out of shape then this goes to the top of your list and you start today.
  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    because it is 20:44 here today and my gym closed 7 hours ago, otherwise i would do it today
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    I love this running program, I'm up to Week Six Run Three run today, 5 minute warmup and a 25 minute run ! Not sure if I'll do the 25 minutes as the 20 minute one last week nearly killed me. But the next three weeks runs are all >25 mins, so I will get use to it soon (I hope)
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    We're starting tomorrow too (The roomie and me) Good luck everybody!
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    PS: Last time I started the program I also couldn't finish 60 seconds of running at the beginning, but it comes really quickly, I promise! Sometimes instead of doing all 8 intervals of running I used one 60 second run to keep walking and recover
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm a graduate! :smile: I started in December and was able to run 5k in February. Ran my first race in March, and kept at it since, going up to running a 10k.

    If the 60 second run is too much, try going a little slower. Jog so slow, you could almost walk faster. I like to imagine I'm dancing. I could always dance for more than 60 seconds. I could always dance for a full three minute song (except maybe a samba because that used to KILL my calves). So I pushed myself, saying, "Just keep dancing!"

    I started jogging at 5mph, and it was tough. I recently finished a 5k in 24:59, averaging about 7.5mph! So now I'm going through the program again, except jogging and running fast instead of walking and running. My goal at the end is to do a 5k in under 22 minutes in the Spring. And even if I don't get there, I'm still getting stronger, healthier and faster.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    I started last week but hit a brick wall with shin splints because I didn't take a rest day, felt so good after W1D1 I thought I could do the same on the following day
    So back to the drawing board today and just completed W1D1 tomorrow is rest day
    Ive also downloaded Mp3 version of C25K for my phone with music and prompts of when to run and walk will try it out Monday
  • alliooops
    alliooops Posts: 87 Member
    Yes I'm just starting it. I've downloaded the programme written for the treadmill because I live in a country area and it's so dark when I get home from work that it's just not safe so I'll be doing it at the gym. I'm reasonably fit so I might miss the first couple of weeks, but I've always had trouble with building up a long period of running so I figure this will help. I wondered what speed people start at - 5mph actually seems quite fast to me - that's 8kph I think - but I will give that a go. Good luck!
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    I am starting tomorrow - there is a C25K group on here for those starting around 5 november, feel free to join!

    Is this the thread we should check in on? I really want to join. Doing a 5k on Thanksgiving.
  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    has it helped u lose any weight?
  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    I did my first day today, it wasn't as hard as i thought, that being said it wasn't easy either!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    I started today and am mortified my knees are in such pain. I am reasonably fit and not overweight so can't work out why this has caused so much pain. Have written a topic on it asking if I am ever going to be able to run!
  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    maybe a knee brace will help? You should definitely see a doctor
  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    I've done 2 workouts now and plan on doing another tonight, it is getting slightly easier!