Advice for reaching weight loss plateau for weeks!

Hi all,
I have recently been doing well on the weight loss journey, but in the last few weeks have hit a brick wall. No more will shift, not even a pound! Any advice welcome, thanks :-)


  • You have to change your workout. Whatever you are doing you need to increase the level of resistance and intensity. You also may need to incorporate an exercise you are not doing like jumping rope, join a fitness class start jogging, etc.
  • deblibby
    deblibby Posts: 5 Member
    This has been happening to me with the last 10 pounds. It helps me when I change up my exercise routine and drink lots of water. Hang in there!
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? I had a 3-4 week plateau a few months ago - but that was when I wasn't eating my exercise calories back. I started eating them back (or the majority of them) and started to lose weight again. I don't have an hrm and just use the mfp calculated exercise calories. To be on the safe side, I eat all but 100 calories or so back. Another possibility... maybe you need to mix up your exercise routine. Your body may have gotten used to it... Lastly, some people eat a different amount of calories every day to confuse the body. It's called zig zag, I think... but the concept is that say they need to eat "x" calories a week... So the first day they eat x, day two they eat x+200, day three x-200... etc... Fortunately, I haven't had to zig zag, so I don't know if it works... but there are several threads posted on mfp about zig zagging... Good luck and don't give up!