1470 calories a day!!!

if i changed my calories to less would it still be healthy!!!!


  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    eat what mfp tells you to and eat back at least 3/4 of your exercise calories.
    no arguments.
    yes you need to do this.
    ahhh... no buts.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Depends on your BMR. I wouldn't recommend eating below your BMR.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Starving yourself isn't usually the best approach. Go with the suggested numbers rather than what you *think* it should be.
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    You are much more likely to stick to this and keep the weight off if you actually get to eat something. Don't lower the number. Give it a try as MFP suggests and I bet you will see results.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    MFP is suggesting what they feel is the best calorie consumption based on your goals and individual information. You will lose weight at this and even a little higher if you are excercising. If no excercise...give yourself more of a range like 1300 to 1500 since the calculations on calorie counts are not always accurate. You will do great! Make your choices healthy choices most of the time with a little of the good stuff mixed in to prevent binges. Heavy restrictions to diets make most people fail in their endeavors. Consider this just a lifestyle change vs. a diet! Welcome to MFP by the way!
  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    That depends on your current weight and level of activity. I eat less than that and feel it is quite healthy. I weigh 149 lbs and am moderately active, so I burn approximately 1850 calories a day doing just my general stuff. For a safe caloric deficit I have it set to 500 calories less than that, so 1350. If I do anything above and beyond what I do in a normal day I add it as exercise and eat at least enough to net 1200, but usually eat nearly all the calories allotted to me.

    Unless you are being monitored/instructed by a doctor, you shouldn't go under 1200 calories a day even if all you do is sit on the couch.
  • ok i will leave it then thanx for comments!!!!
  • yes i you would hi my name is jennifer and i have been working out since jan 2011 3 days a week doing weights and i going to work just eating a apple and then a sandwich for lunch and dinner and i was standing still at 182-185 and i was gaining the musle. I was wondering why i was not lossing any weight. I have a trainer once a month and they tell me that you have to eat 5 small meal a day so your body has enouph calories so it does not go in starvation mode. if your body goes in starvation mode every little thing you eat it holds on to and you wont lose any weight so far i started to retrain my brain to eat more and walk a mile before work every day and now i have lost so far 4 pound in a week and 1/2 so it is working you do need to eat enouph calories for your body to live on it need to be the right calories and the good fats and proties and fruits I hope this helps you. You can always respond back to me happy times in loseing weight and good luck and i am always here to help a friend out.