Achilles tendon

I started running about a year ago and have very gradually increased my mileage etc. I think I have recently injured my Achilles tendon on my right foot. Any suggestions for stretches, exercises to help it heal? When can I start running again? I'm missing my long run this am and miss it terribly, but don't want to complicate things by not resting long enough. Also, anyone have luck using kt tape for Achilles?


  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    First to push an injury, because it will get worst before it gets better. Rest and let it heal.

    There are several stretches that you can do, just google it. Make sure that you always stretch before and after a run. After a run I take a hot shower adjust the shower head on my legs and stretch them out. I have never used any of the kt tape.

    Good Luck on your future runs.