I just love to eat..pure and simple..does anyone else feel l



  • missmamselle
    missmamselle Posts: 25 Member
    Oh my gosh, I LOVE to eat. At times I tried telling myself that it was all senseless emotional eating.. but I adore sweets [ESPECIALLY gummy bears] and Chinese food. It's hard not eating them every single day, but I think that as long as you set some little mini-goals along the way, you can indulge and get that same feeling of satisfaction.

    Mmmm, thanks for reminding me. I forgot that I bought Haribo Gummy Bears the other day.Where did I hide them...oh yeah, now I remember!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    You can eat whatever you want and long as you counter the calories. This is where exercise comes into play. I don't deny myself any foods (unless I'm really dieting hard to drop body fat to single digits) and eat whatever I feel like eating at that time. But I do control portions and stay within calorie limits each day.

    This is good advice.

    For myself...I'm much the same, but follow a rough pattern of intermittent fasting on top of it. Weight training 3x a week, and loosely following IF 5 days a week really has an impact. For example, my breakfast today was a 24oz coffee loaded with carmel and cream...and two maple long johns lol. Dinner last night was home made chicken and dumplings...which I can never seem to have just one helping of.

    Without strength training and IF...I'm 100% positive that I'd be 230lbs in no time lol.
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