Is 10kgs loss before Christmas achievable?

I sure hope so! Would love to hear from anyone else with this goal, or opinions on this goal. Cheers.


  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    It really depends on how big you are to start with as larger people will have an easier time losing weight.

    However, even for larger individuals the largest 'safe' rate of weight loss is 1-2lbs a week (~500g to 1kg). So even if you are a large person you would not want to lose more than 6-7kg by christmas.
  • EyeRoller
    EyeRoller Posts: 7 Member
    Bugger! And thanks :)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    My goal is slightly less (8.6kg) but if you're bigger it's doable. As long as you're being healthy about it of course!
  • klbeal
    klbeal Posts: 20 Member
    Thats the goal I have too! I think it's definately achievable, just need to be dedicated. What are you planning on doing to get to this goal? I'm doing the 30 Day Shred and monitoring my calorie intake, sticking to 1350 calories daily.
  • EyeRoller
    EyeRoller Posts: 7 Member
    Well so much for that plan, but hey I'm back on track now. Doing well with food but not in to the exercise much yet. Is the 30 day shred any good?