Felt kinda bad, but then really didn't.......



  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    To the people bagging on the OP...the point is this: Yes, it might affect the current troops now if people won't donate because of the policies that are in place for the BSA. But if people keep giving money as to not 'negatively impact the youngsters' then said policies aren't going to change. Why? Because the BSA won't have a reason to change their policies if people are still giving money.

    If the BSA comes up short on funds to adequately maintain the program, and the reason that people aren't donating is because of their open discrimination of people based on sexual orientation, then they likely will take a long hard look at said policies and potentially change them.

    I just don't get that mindset...."I don't agree with what this group promotes or stands for, but I'll give them my money anyway because there are kids involved." LOLWUT?!?!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'm going to lock this post as it is of both religious and political in nature. I'll forward it up the chain of command and see what the boss thinks, but for now, I'm going to lock it up.


    MyFitnessPal forums moderator
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