Hi! Looking for some friends to motivate me and keep me acco

Hi, my name is Amy, I've been using myfitnesspal for a while now, but have only in the last couple of weeks gotten really serious about my weight loss.

I'm really looking to have some more people on here just to keep my accountable!

I'm 19, a full time university student studying politics and communication studies, and I'm from Perth, Western Australia.

Feel free to add me/say hi :)


  • tstorr
    tstorr Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Amy

    I just found this site 2 days ago. I have had the app on my iphone for a while. I wish you well and if you need to chat I am here.
  • melinda_m
    melinda_m Posts: 6 Member
    I understand completely. I have tries time anf time again to lose weight. This time i am seriously getting it done. A little help and support from others goes a long way!