Does any one ever use diet pills??



  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    It's the surplus of calories that made the weight come back, not the fact that you stopped taking alli.
    I lost 5 lbs in a month eating as much junk as I wanted while taking Alli - when I stopped my diet didn't change but I regained it.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    It's the surplus of calories that made the weight come back, not the fact that you stopped taking alli.
    I lost 5 lbs in a month eating as much junk as I wanted while taking Alliance - when O stopped my diet didn't change but I regained it.

    I could lose 5 lbs in two days of eating junk if it had low sodium. It could also have a placebo effect.

    I have been talking to a few RIPPED guys about their EC or ECA stack. They keep it off just fine.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    They also take ephedrine ALL the time maybe taking a couple weeks off at a time... what happens when they don't have access to the drugs?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Nope have talk to many who stopped taking it. so no, they dont take it ALL the time.

    Calorie surplus makes you gain it back. Thats like saying im going to gain a ton of weight back if i stop drinking so much coffee
  • southofmadness
    southofmadness Posts: 316 Member
    Phentermine is awesome ... my mother-in-law lost 30 lbs on it just over the summer. I never could understand why they banned ephedra.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    It's the surplus of calories that made the weight come back, not the fact that you stopped taking alli.
    I lost 5 lbs in a month eating as much junk as I wanted while taking Alli - when I stopped my diet didn't change but I regained it.

    Exactly my point. If your body ejects 1/2 of every gram of fat you consume because you're taking Alli, then when you stop taking Alli, your body is now absorbing 2x the fat calories. Most people don't want to poop their pants so they will probably reduce the amount of fat they are eating. It's about changing the mindset. Read the little books that come with it sometime.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    Why do they have to take it again and again. Because they slowly regain the fat without it... research thyroid exhaustion and you'll see how stimulants can mess up your natural metabolic rates
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Phentermine is awesome ... my mother-in-law lost 30 lbs on it just over the summer. I never could understand why they banned ephedra.

    Line 6
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I love fat.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Hmm nope, guy giving me info on dosage did it for 8 weeks and then was done.

    Calorie surplus causes weight gain.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Yes, have tried. Come to realize that nothing is going to work like calories in vs calories out and a very real change in our mindset.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    Hmm nope, guy giving me info on dosage did it for 8 weeks and then was done.

    Calorie surplus causes weight gain.

    And how do you know he's not regaining the weight and just gonna pop the pillls again?
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    what a truly scary read that made, you sound like junkies tbh
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    I've had experience with diet pills, I took something like lipozene a few years ago, after highschool but, I also walked every single day and ate every meal w/ a portion no bigger than my fist. I only took the pills for 2 months and I did lose 20lbs but that was probably due largely to the fact that I was walking and eating right (somehow, taking the pills made me want to be careful of what I was eating and to exercise) SO i dont think the pills actually did anything.

    I used to work with a few girls who took diet pills, they lost the weight but the ones who saw the most dramatic results, started gaining shortly after stopping the pills -- one girl lost 50lbs and last time i talked to her she had gained it all back plus some.

    I dont think you should take diet pills, for one theyre not good for you -- and its likely that if you dont change your eating habits and exercise that you'll gain it all back if you do see weight loss while taking them.
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Hmmm... Generally, if something is giving me chest pains, I'm dropping it into the trash. I have two children that I need to be alive for.

    The diet pills CAN be helpful for someone who has a body that fights them. For instance, back when ephedra was available, it was the only way that I could lose weight. That was because I was OVERDOING it with the diet and exercise. The ephedra blocked my body from its attempt to stay in starvation mode.

    It ALSO helped with the drop in energy level. A weight-loss regimen tends to make me constantly exhausted. The diet pills can help block the attempt by the body to drop the metabolism to compensate for dropped calories when your body does this EVEN when you are exercising.

    That said, too many of them have too many side-effects. SOME of them help with other things. I like to supplement my fiber intake, for instance.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Dedication? Discipline?
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    what a truly scary read that made, you sound like junkies tbh

    Yet you are here?
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    If you have to take sketchy supplements that are nothing more than fancy forms of speed, you're doing it wrong.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I used to take lots of pills, when I had diabetes. now it's only 2. fish oil and multivitamin.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Dedication? Discipline?

    this is the reason he is still ripped ^^