Do you think vegetarians are picky eaters?



  • ladybug11
    ladybug11 Posts: 87 Member
    Show him this

    (It's about vegans, but applies here too I think.)

    I find a lot of people are very quick to critisize veggie/vegan lifestyles because it makes them feel defensive - as though we are saying to them "I disagree with your eating habits". Even if you haven't actually said that, I think that's what people think you are projecting onto them. Just remember, if someone is being an *kitten* to you about something, it's because THEY have a problem, not you. xx

    ^^^^ THIS ^^^^

    I'm vegan, and I can assure you, I am not picky. I'll try anything that doesn't contain meat, dairy, or egg (I try to avoid honey as well). I eat beets, spinach, brussel sprouts, and collard greens, which are things many people will not even try. In fact, being vegetarian or vegan forces you to branch out and try new things, so ignore those who would find fault with your eating plan.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    My SIL is a vegetarian and I don't think she's a picky eater. *I* am a picky eater. Just b/c you eat meat doesn't mean you're not picky, and just b/c you avoid meat doesn't mean you *are* picky. Being a vegetarian or vegan is about much more than saying 'ewww, meat is yucky so I'm not going to eat it'. Or at least in most cases that I'm aware of.
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    not the ones I know
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Next time your brother accuses you of being a picky eater, accuse him of being a lazy host. :wink:

    My dad was a vegetarian for a little while. I had him over for Thanksgiving dinner. I cooked the same as usual and made one extra vegetarian casserole for him. It gave all my guest something new to try without taking away from the rest of my dinner.

    If you are vegan, it does make it hard for a non vegan to host and have meals for you to eat. Especially depending on the extreme of the vegan. Some do not eat any animal product, some go as far as to avoid honey etc. He may not know how to react to that, and picky is the only word he can come up with. It doesn't necessary mean picky as much as particular. Look back and make sure you are not being critical in his attempts to have you for dinner. I say this because, I like diet soda. I don't care what kind. I am not picky. For years my MIL never bought diet soda. She bought every other kind of soda known to man, but no diet soda. I just drank water. When I have stuff at my house I buy regular, diet and caffiene free sodas. My aunt will NOT drink any thing but diet coke. No generic, no diet anything else. She will also complain to high heaven about how she only drinks diet coke. I think that is picky. I buy diet coke, just for her, but I do think that is picky.

    Hope this helps you look back and reflect where he might be coming from.
    Best wishes..

    For all you health concious people I only used soda as an example, I don't have soda in my house all the time and I have cut back on my consumption, too.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I think I eat more variety of foods now that I am vegetarian. I mean other than meat. My tastes have really expanded and I am willing to try new meals than I did before.
  • rockchick90
    definitely not! my mate is a veggie (and a vegan for 6 months) and she ate LOADS! if anything she ate way more than I did, and she still came out to chinese buffets and restaurants with us, theres a big choice out there for veggies nowadays
  • cassiejoyy
    Thanks everyone! I don't think I'm a picky eater, I'll try anything that doesn't have meat. & I don't pick on him or other people for eating meat, and I don't make a big fuss about me being a vegetarian hes the only one who seems to think its such a big deal, and wrong for me not to eat meat.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Thanks everyone! I don't think I'm a picky eater, I'll try anything that doesn't have meat. & I don't pick on him or other people for eating meat, and I don't make a big fuss about me being a vegetarian hes the only one who seems to think its such a big deal, and wrong for me not to eat meat.

    Some people seem to think that if other's make choices differently than them, it must be an attack on their own choices. So they defend. Even though there's no need to since it's a personal choice that has nothing to do with them. Maybe that's what's going on there...