Is anyone really ever happy with themselves?



  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    I believe that life, and the way you feel about yourself, is a series of ebbs and flows. You will have 'down' days and 'up' days. Without points of comparison how would you ever know happy from unhappy.

    Why do you make the conscious decision to change your weight? Is it for health? For looks? Some societies associated being fat with wealth and beauty. Why do women wear makeup? Why do people dress up? Why wear cologne? There are so many things we do to be attractive to the opposite sex, but ultimately to be attractive to ourselves.

    I am happy with myself. I like me. I am not perfect. I am not trying to reach perfection. I am definitively trying to enjoy life. Do I have bad days? Sure, who doesn't; But they pass. Then I have a new experience, meet a previous goal, set a new one, and move on.
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    I lost alot of weight a few years ago and although I was still in a size 14 I can honestly say I was very happy with myself. I believe everyone in the world has something they do not like about themselves you are not alone. I really contribute my happiness to not allowing myself to compare myself to others or those on TV. Above that though it was the people I associated with and dated. You really need to find that inner confidence and use it. When you are confident about yourself you would be very surprised at how much people will naturally flock to you no matter what size you are. Lastly please DON"T compare yourselt to your exes fantasies because you will constantly never feel good enough. Make sure your man's focus is only on you! Be proud of yourself and love who you are right now!
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I am far from perfect, but I rock! I am normally pretty happy with myself . My happiness comes from within me and isn't based on my looks or weight. I am happy with me because of the footprint I will leave behind when I leave this world. This is way too deep for this site, but at least it is a honest answer.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    The problem is we often chase unobtainable goals. Yet there is always room for improvement. It's like learning, we always continue learning.