same g**d**mn 20 lbs, AGAIN.

Hey all, I'm back after a very successful Feb to Oct 2010 and a bad year of regaining after.
Back to Plyo, Treadmill walking and CLX wt. lifting.
Also meal planning on Sat and Sun when time to shop and cook.
Will be logging in daily for the disipline and to track longer-term trends and hopefully progress.
I turn 46 in 6 weeks and want that to be MY YEAR of staying under 20% body fat for a year!!!


  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Congratulations on figuring it out that the only way to keep your success is to do this forever. You can't return to old habits, they're what got you here in the first place. Make your new habits and keep them instead.