question about chicken

this might be a dumb question you weigh your chicken BEFORE you cook it? or AFTER? & how many ounces of grilled chicken is a healthy portion..


  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 616 Member
    4 oz is the "normal" portion. i always weigh mine before i cook it...but i dont know why. it's just how i roll :)
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    Weight the chicken raw. 3 - 4 oz is a healthy serving, although a larger portion is really okay, too.
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    It depends. If I am entering my own recipe, I usually way before so I have an accurate amount of calories for the recipe. But if I am eating something already cooked, for example I grilled chicken breast, I way it after cooked so I know how big of a portion I can eat. Its very helpful to prevent over eating.

    I agree with everyone else too, 3-4oz is a good size portion.
  • I cook boneless/skinless chicken breast and potion out for snacks and lunch. I weight it after it's cooked and portion it into 4oz snack bags.

    Otherwise I eat until I'm full. I don't micromanage my calories anymore. I eat real food and lean proteins and veggies. I also get in some fruits and nuts/seeds.

    To answer your question though -
    In the culinary world we portion the meat for recipes raw unless it states otherwise. Example: a quarter pound burger is a quarter pound BEFORE it's cooked.

    Hope it helps.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    after and remember, there are more calories in dark meat than in light
  • Good question. I never heard of weighing it before. I "googled" it and everything I found said to weigh it after. It said if you weigh before to make sure you are picking up the correct calories - raw meat instead of cooked.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I weigh out everything afterward only because the nutritionist told my wife and I too, since we were on a very restrictive diet and had to make sure we got in the proper amounts of nutrients. 4 oz is usually a good portion.
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    i'm doing the 6 week body make over and according to that you always measure all food after it is cooked and i get a 2oz portion I don't ever feel like thats not enough at any given meal. but then again I eat 6 times a day...hard to get hungry with that!
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    You weigh the chicken after you cook it. Some weight will be lost in the cooking process. 4 oz is a standard serving size of meat/protein-roughly the size of a deck of cards.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,317 Member
    It's such a small difference, and as you see, there are believers on both sides. Just get close. You'll drive yourself crazy trying to account for every little calorie.