Depression and weight loss



    SCOUSERWENCH Posts: 74 Member
    I dont want to sound so Blunt, but you need to feel happy inside mentally before You make changes to yourself. If your not happy inside first what makes you think you're going to feel happy on the outside. You need to shine outwards from within. Once you are happy on the inside Confidence and Happy Vibes will shine through-out.

    Secondly I have been on and off Anti-depressents for the past 8 Years. I Gained Weight, I also have a thyroid problem and you know what I have done? I have took "TIMEOUT" to think deepdown what I want to do for ME, instead of worrying of what other people's oppinions are.

    Everyone has something bad that happens to them that either breaks them down mentally or they take it on the chin and move on. My Past Broke me, BUT it made me stronger and gave me a steely edge because, No matter how much someone gets kicked down, They find the strength to get back up,

    I am Stronger Minded than i ever have been, I do get days when I feel low and the worlds against me. But you know what? I have alot going for me.

    I come from a Great Family, and I have a Lovely little Family of my own, who i absoloutly adore!


    I have an under-active thyroid and always thought it would be impossible to lose weight cos of this. MFP prooved me wrong! I have lost a Stone!!! I have really Whooped my Thyroids *kitten* into shape and by god it's getting a Beating!!

    You Need to help yourself Mentally,before You Change physically because You need to be "Alright" up there,before your body makes changes,because if you're not happy mentally your physique wont be either.
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    Can I ask what anti depressants you are on because they don't seem like they are working well?! They should be helping your anxiety and should be making you more relaxed to overcome any self esteem issues.

    I am on anti depression/ anxiety tablets and they have worked wonders for my confidence and weight loss. I'll be here for you if want some help and support because I know what it's like and I feel like I'm overcoming it.


    Hi. i am a therapist and I have had multiple clients come back to me, which I sadly expected due to the season we are in. I agree with the fact that you need to see if your psychiatrist can adjust your meds. They should work- and if they aren't, you either need a different type or a medical request for a dose adjustment. A lot of people don't know that psychotropic medications are not meant for long term use and should be used in conjuction with therpay. I would like to encourage you to interview a couple of therapists and find one that you are comfortable with and begin to do some work on your inner self.. With that combination- you won't lose. Wish you the best...
  • Rain_Howard
    I know exactly how you feel. Well, mostly. I've suffered from chronic depression, anxiety, ptsd, chronic pain and chronic over eating my entire life. You're heading in the right direction and that's a good thing. It took me a long time to find what works for me and what helps me.

    Meds are not a hat, one size does not fit all. Some prescriber's seem to forget that. If they aren't working for you, figure out why.

    What has helped me is simply finding what works for me and sticking with it. Therapy with someone I like and trust. Meditation, Exercise a couple times a week. It's a slow road but one I know I can stay on.
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I've been dealing with depression since I was about 13. It seems to come and go for me, sometimes I need medication and sometimes I try and stick it out. Right now I am trying to get out of it myself by eating better foods and exercising. I used to want to exercise to lose weight, but right now I exercise to stay sane. I always feel strong and good when I am done at the gym, and right now I am not focusing on the scale. Eventually I will again, but not right now.

    Do something for yourself, get a manicure, or a new book. Know you're not alone. Talk to someone or write in a journal. Depression is hard and lonely, but the nice thing about the internet is that you can find a lot of people in the same boat, and that makes me feel better - that I'm not alone in this.

    P.S. I love this blog and this post was so reassuring to me - a different way to think of depression (plus the rest of her posts are HILARIOUS and always make me laugh when I'm in a crappy mood):
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    A couple of things that were said irked me quite a bit, so I'm going to say something about it. I don't think anyone is posting to this thread anymore, but we'll see.
    I dont want to sound so Blunt, but you need to feel happy inside mentally before You make changes to yourself. If your not happy inside first what makes you think you're going to feel happy on the outside. You need to shine outwards from within. Once you are happy on the inside Confidence and Happy Vibes will shine through-out.

    This is the kind of advice you tell someone looking for a significant other. She's trying to beat depression, not find a boyfriend. There is a big difference, and to say 'you need confidence before you lose weight' is complete b.s. I had anorexia for years - you don't need confidence to lose weight. Trust me. That's the LAST thing you need. So I don't know where you got this, but this is TERRIBLE advice.

    What she needs is a goal to focus on and to know what she has support here with people who understand what she's going through and who can get her through it.
    I come from a Great Family, and I have a Lovely little Family of my own, who I absolutely adore!

    And from this quote alone, you clearly don't get it. When someone has a family who they literally cannot be around without feeling overly stressed, who do not support you, and who throw you under the bus whenever they have the opportunity, it's a large stressor in their life. And at only 22 years old, it's tough.

    While I'm very happy for you that you came from a good background, she hasn't, so already, you just don't get it sooo...yeah. Just sayin'.
    You Need to help yourself Mentally,before You Change physically because You need to be "Alright" up there,before your body makes changes,because if you're not happy mentally your physique wont be either.

    I'm sorry. Wrong. Completely wrong. Wrong on so many levels. I became physically healthy before I became mentally healthy, and that was only due to exercise and a good diet (I say good because, obviously, I'm not perfect).

    You need to stop giving this kind of advice. For people with serious depression and backgrounds that are hard to get past, this kind of advice is a slap in the face. "Be happy before you can lose weight." No no NO! They need to get healthy physically and the brain will follow.