Best indoor workouts for fat burn?

I woke up this morning and looked outside and everything is covered in snow! I prefer to take my walks/jogs outdoors for a change in scenery and it is just easier to me, but I absolutely despise the cold, so during the winter I am stuck indoors. What are the best workouts to do indoors, at home, that will melt fat? I have a treadmill, step-up bench, small trampoline, weight bench, pull up bar, 3,4 and 5 lb. dumbells, and 10 pound ankle weights. My problem is that I just don't know what to do with them to get the max burn and most effectiveness or in what order. I get bored easily too with the same routine every day. I have been working out to Jillian Michale's Biggest Winner 5 disc DVD's as well, but they are so short that I feel like I am not working out enough in a day. Also, how many times a day and for how long each time should I be working out for the best results? There are just so many mixed opinions out there on this that I don't even know which way to go. Any advice would be very appreciated!! Especially if it has been proven effective and with great results! Thanks!


  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    There are many different things you can do with them you just need to pick and choose from the different opinions. You may want to look into HIIT training. Any of your pieces could work for it.

    I just started it a few weeks ago and the pounds are starting to drop again. Like you I am 30 pounds overweight and a mother of 2 so good luck during the winter months.
  • msmileyface
    msmileyface Posts: 76 Member
    I don't know a lot about the science of exercise, what burns the most fat, etc. however I can tell you what is working for me.

    I am absolutely in LOVE with the kinect for xbox 360. Now if you don't already have the xbox, this is of course an expensive proposal.

    I love doing the zumba game the most.. I am having a blast and when I am done I am excited to see I have burned 300+ calories. What a great feeling!

    Hope that helped.. If you want some additional recommendations for strengthening exercise, the best fitness DVDs I have found for muslce toning are the Ellen Barrett "Crunch" series of pilates videos.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    My number one workout is Tae Bo.
  • notinvain
    notinvain Posts: 12 Member
    My absolute favorite workout for burning off the fat and releasing endorphins that you can get from jogging is TurboFire! I am getting so addicted to it! My calorie burn has been through the roof! Check it out here:
    It's cardio and HIIT (high intensity interval training) that burns calories like wildfire. Chalene Johnson is incredibly motivating trainer, the music is fun, the choreography isn't hard to pick up and some how she gets you to push yourself harder than you thought possible even when you're tired. You can get it from the link above and I guarantee you will love it!
  • kmcw50
    kmcw50 Posts: 26 Member
    P90X Kenpo x is really good so is tae bo:happy:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Hello angelfrog4,

    I think that unless you have a rather militant mindset when you are working out, you should find a form of cardio exercise that you enjoy rather than doing what someone claims is "best". Personal enjoyment will trump just about anything.

    I would also recommend that you lift weights at least 3 days per week, but it would be best to get some training to learn proper lifting techniques.

    Resistance (weight) training (along with cardio) along with good calorie and macronutrient intake will yield a great end-product.