world of warcraft, and other mmo's



  • librarygoddess2
    librarygoddess2 Posts: 145 Member
    Personally i love the new Panda race. I can't wait to play them. I think it's a fun yet interesting way to add the Asian influence into the game. I know it seems a bit "Kung Fu Panda" but the Pandarian race was part of the Lore before Kung Fu Panda every came out. I think there will be some that hate it and some that love it.. someone has to keep playing the other races. Those of us that love it will play them for you.

    Patch 4.3 tomorrow?!

    Kaline (Blackwater Raiders)
  • librarygoddess2
    librarygoddess2 Posts: 145 Member
    Also.. I played the new Star Wars Beta. It's pretty epic! I wish my computer was better so I could run it like it's meant to be enjoyed. I love the faction choices and points toward the Dark Side and Light Side depending on the choices you make even if you are Sith or Jedi. It's a lot like WoW for questing, setup, auctions, etc. Loving it a lot. (sorry I know this is a WoW form but noticed people are talking about it too.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Lol am I the only one excited for the Panda's... looks like.
  • FailPandas :( i had to give up wow... to work out.. lol.. pay for the gym or pay for wow........EpicGymIsEpic that is all :)
  • jlchow
    jlchow Posts: 40
    Holy crap, WoW is a freaking time vampire! So much time sunk into that game.

    I had to quit when I did /played and it was measured in months.

    I'm really wary of MMO's now. I only do single player RPGs and CoD now. At least I can turn it off.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Oooooo I totally saw this topic last night and had to give my 2 cents.

    I raid when I have time. Which is a necessity of about 10+ hours a week. I had to drop it in the middle of the summer due to 10 credits in summer school and I picked up 18 this semester. I'm really excited to jump back in hopefully tonight for patch 4.3 which seems like it will be super awesome. I have to catch my gear up but am expecting to raid tonight. I will only be able to twice a week for 3 hours or so as I have other more important commitments on Wednesday nights. I figure, might as well since things are dying down for Christmas break and my guild is super casual anyways. We finish the raid instances in about 2 months, normally on 25 man but they are changing things this patch. Apparently we are going to 10 mans so I'm hoping that it runs smoothly otherwise a ton of people will be left out. :grumble: But I'm cool either way as I have like 6 characters I've been playing lately that are all waiting to level/gear up in the random dungeon finder. Plus the random raid finder but I'm honestly too scared to use that thing. :laugh:

    I honestly feel that you can maintain your life and raid just fine as long as you play in moderation. It can be done. Give first priority to job/health/family and then if you have time left over put it into a hobby. World of Warcraft or any other MMO happens to be a cheap and doable hobby. I personally started playing at 12 years of age on EQ 1... took a 10 year break and picked up WoW and have stuck with it since 2009. If you let it wreck your life or run it then you don't have the ability to handle it. I've been there but I really think it would depend on whether you have created certain goals and stick with them.

    My goals are to gear up my toons and see content and have fun with people. I ignore achievements. I level up when I have dead time on other toons. And I play with my husband when possible. If you try and concur the whole game you will lose a lot of your life very easily. Plus it helps to get into a casual guild. Least this works for me!

    GAME ON GUYS! I'm totally jumping on after I finish homework. it's actually a huge motivating factor for me to get it done quickly. :laugh:
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    OMG, other WoW geeks! /cheer

    I'm not looking forward to WoW: Kung-Fu Panda Edition, however I am looking forward to slaughtering them in the battlegrounds. Stir-fried Panda, anyone? I'll be honest, I think my biggest issue with Mists is the change to the talent system and the lack of content. Judging from the leaks, it really seems like "EZ-Mode" is taking away from our ability to really customize our talents.

    What do you think about the recent patch & welfare epics?

    -Just another OP DK. ^^
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    dabbled with WoW over the years. never could get into it. I wasn't into the PVP scene and I liked the grouping aspect of it but it felt too easy. I was however majorly into FFXI. played that alot since 2002. stopped in early Fall of 2009 when I needed to get my health/life in order. I tried FF14. it's pretty but SE dropped the ball. I love Star Wars but I am meh about the upcomming MMO. I tried beta a few times. just feels meh. I am on the fence about getting it once it's released.
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    I played FFXI for just about 6 years. (Final Fantasy 11)

    Now I've started playing WoW, but I don't play for more than 3 hours~ at a time simply because I prioritize school and exercise :tongue:

    Honestly, I see nothing wrong with Kung-Fu Panda. It looks gimmicky sure, but it also looks like the new Monk would be fun to play.
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