Finally being the caretaker for myself!

Hello all,

My name is Sally and I am a 23 year old Social Worker in a hospital. I am 205 pounds and 5' 6". Most of my day is spent moving around the hospital but there are many of my day hours spent sitting at a desk typing. About 3 months ago I got a gym membership and started working out but frequently I make excuses to not go (ie. I am tired, I worked really hard today, dont want to go alone, its a long drive). I also have a problem with self control. Day to day I actually dont eat terrible but if you put a cookie, brownie or cup cake in front of me... Well, I just cant stop at one, I need 2 or 3. My family is also a very poor influence. Both of my younger siblings eat whatever they want and dont gain a pound; I was not blessed with those genes. Now I am getting older and thinking about my future. I refuse to have children at my current weight because it would be unhealthy and I would be at a very high rate for gestational diabetes. I need to get my weight under control. I appreciate all the support I will be receiving from MFP and please pass on any words of wisdom to me! I look forward to getting to know everyone and working really hard to better myself!! I am looking for supportive friends and motivation! - Sally


  • psoshkin
    psoshkin Posts: 27 Member
    Hey Sally ! I am so proud of you that you are taking your health seriously . You are welcome to add me! I have lost 12 pounds since I started on mfp, I have had bad days but I find that if you continue logging, even when you go over, you lose weight! Logging is my addiction and I love the friends that I have made here. They are supportive and I know that this wouldn't be the same without them.

    Welcome again and I am so happy for you!

    I will try to give you tips that have worked for me :)
