Does anyone else get Exercise Induced Hypoglycemia, but you

So I train in martial arts... .have been for 2 1/2 years now.... It's the most intense training I've ever done... I can workout at the gym everyday and not experience any issues (usually).... however when I do my most intense training and belt testing I seem to make it through the hardest part of the class / test then when everything is over I get clammy, cold sweats, so weak I can barely stand... did a little research and discovered a thing called Exercise Induced Hypoglycemia. Does anyone else expierence this and if so how do you resolve it.... Keep in mind that one intense class and / or test can burn way over the amount of calories I am allowed a day... Just looking for something to make this better... It sucks... I feel like I am in good shape but after a class like that and then barely being able to stand I feel sooooo weak and like I am right back at square one... :(


  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    Yes....I get this! Thought I was the only one! This is what works for me:

    1. I have to eat before I exercise, never on an empty tum.
    2. I try to keep my carbs lowish as I've found that too many - especially bread and pasta - can give me a hypo
    3. I never, never have coffee before a morning workout, and if I'm planning to do some cardio later in the day I make sure i have no caffeine for 3-4hours before and also drink lots of water. Caffeine is a BIG problem for me with exercise.
    4. I never run now without fresh orange juice in a bottle and as soon as I feel my energy starting to dip I drink some. I also tuck some tooty-fruties in my waist-pack as an extra in case I need a sugar boost.
    5. I eat regularly - three meals and two snacks each day. I try to balance the calories through these.

    Btw: I'm not talking mega workouts - even a walk when I'm close to 'empty' can tip it. Have always been the same.

    have you had your blood sugar checked? (Mine is done each year but is fine.)

  • Abbey70
    Abbey70 Posts: 82 Member
    Might try having glucose tablets or a hard candy before your blood sugars drop too low. My son is hypoglycemic and he likes to have fruit or OJ to help him up his blood sugar quickly. Might even have OJ right after your workout to help get your blood sugar back up. Make sure you eat something before working out also. Just some thoughts hope they help.
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    Sounds like the " bonk" (using up your muscle's glycogen). I only had this once while riding my bike and it doesn't feel good. I eat a snack high in carbs 45 minutes prior to my ride and also take something like a Nutri-grain bar or box of raisins for a snack after an hour of riding. Haven't had the bonk since.
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    Yes and no. I have hypoglycemia and have done martial arts off and on my whole life. Gatorade is your friend....keep it when everyone else goes for water breaks drink some gatorade you will need the calories to finish the work out even if you are in great shape. Keep a small bar incase you need the extra engery and always eat before.