How many pairs of running shoes do you got?



  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    So I'm planning to do a marathon next year - should I wait to try the vibrams until after that?
    I have one pair of vibrams. Don't have to worry about the padding wearing out :laugh: so I haven't bothered with another pair yet.

    I've so wanted to try a pair, but how to they fair in winter climates and for us freaks with long *kitten* second toes? LOL.

    Vibrams aren't for everyone - just know that. Some people can run in them just fine, but a lot of people who pronate really bad or need that extra arch support really shouldn't wear them unless they're just doing shorter runs. Vibrams are made for the ideal foot, so if you get a pair, just be careful and listen to your body.

    For the record I both have low arches AND pronate (wait, overpronate? one of those). And they are fine, I don't get shin splints in them other than when I FIRST started running and just didn't have the muscle strength there and since humans ran basically barefoot for thousands of years I doubt that as many people naturally have the SERIOUS FOOT PROBLEMS our podiatrists and running shoe companies want us in believe we have. I believe those people DO exist but I think they are the minority, not the people with "ideal" feet.

    But you cannot NOT NOT heel strike in them so I really don't suggest people who run in regular shoes switch immediately, do some exercises and learn to at least strike midfoot in your shoes before you switch or you could really hurt yourself.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hmm those minimalist shoes are tempting but Im not sure if they're for me - I kinda overpronate and my feet hurt real bad if I don't use stability shoes...

    I will personally never run in them because I pronate really bad and have to have the extra support in my shoes. I've met Jeff Galloway (Olympic gold medalist) and personally talked to him about these kinds of shoes and he said that in his lifetime, he's seen the minimalist fad come and go 5 times (he's well in to his 60's), so I'm not really sold on them. My husband has a pair, though, and he loves them. But he doesn't run in them all the time and usually not on longer runs.

    Humans were originally designed to be barefoot, yes, but that was before the invention of concrete and asphalt...
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    Hmm maybe I'll wait then! I heard the big companies are getting into them so maybe it's more than a trend this time around... we'll see! Yeah the first men and our primate ancestor didn't run barefoot on concrete/asphalt... hmm
    Hmm those minimalist shoes are tempting but Im not sure if they're for me - I kinda overpronate and my feet hurt real bad if I don't use stability shoes...

    I will personally never run in them because I pronate really bad and have to have the extra support in my shoes. I've met Jeff Galloway (Olympic gold medalist) and personally talked to him about these kinds of shoes and he said that in his lifetime, he's seen the minimalist fad come and go 5 times (he's well in to his 60's), so I'm not really sold on them. My husband has a pair, though, and he loves them. But he doesn't run in them all the time and usually not on longer runs.

    Humans were originally designed to be barefoot, yes, but that was before the invention of concrete and asphalt...
  • EmYounginTonga
    It is very important to track how many miles you have on your shoes. I trained for 10 months with 3 different pair of shoes.

    About 2 months before the race - when you are doing some of your longer runs, and before you start to taper - I broke in my "new" pair that I wanted to race in.... you want them to have some miles on them, but not too many miles!

    I ran in the same brand, just had different pairs, however I loved them on my feet....
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    being over 300 lbs. and overpronating (is that a word? lol) I go through my shoes faster than normal. I have a total of 3. 2 for running which I switch off every other day and 1 for just walking/everyday kind of wear. I always pay $100-130$ for my shoes unless I am lucky and it's on sale for under 100$.