Australian newbie trying to gain weight

Hi everyone! I'm a 21 year old that's been struggling with a number of health issues since my teenage years. Most of them stem from the fact that I've never quite been able to gain weight.

I've also had a recent diagnosis of IBS. I've been keeping a food diary for the last couple of weeks, but because it's been in a notebook, I've been forgetting to add to it. I'm quite glad I found MyFitnessPal - it'll be good to talk to people about getting my eating habits improved and being more fit!


  • Hi! Glad you found this site! I've been using it to lose just a little weight and it has helped me so much to keep track of how many calories I've eaten and nutrition and exercise. I would have a much harder time if I had to write all this stuff down in a diary and figure out the calories in all my food by myself! It has been great for me & I love it! Best wishes to you!
  • My Miss Lousie,

    Just wanted to post a note of encouragement. Our situations are quite different in that I'm a 57 year old male, but I too struggled to gain weight most of my life and suffered from IBS as well. Two things that turned things around for me: I stopped drinking milk (although I do still eat moderate amounts of other dairy), and I started taking Metamusil (actually a generic brand) every night without fail. Those two things made a huge difference for me. Also, when I hit my late thirties weight no longer was a problem - at least gaining it wasn't. I was 145 lbs. most my life. At 6' 2", that's pretty skinny. Now I'm at 198 lbs. and working to lose about 14 lbs. Making good progress, too.

    Anyway, the point is things can change - hopefully you can find what works for you. Good luck.

    Will Knotkwit
  • Thank you everyone; it's good to be here! :)
    Two things that turned things around for me: I stopped drinking milk (although I do still eat moderate amounts of other dairy), and I started taking Metamusil (actually a generic brand) every night without fail.

    My doctor's got me started on Metamusil too. Because I'm currently away from home, I've been using the Benefiber sticks that you can get, but like everything else, I have to remember to take them :D