Deployment doldrums

My husband is gone and while I had originally planned on using this time to lose some weight and get in shape, I've been trying so hard to stay busy to keep my mind off of the deployment that I haven't been putting time aside to get myself healthy. I don't work out anymore (I was running and spinning before he left) and I'm eating like crap because I don't cook real meals anymore. I'm vegan, my kids aren't, so I make them dinner and then who wants to make ANOTHER dinner for just one person?? It's so much work. Yes, it's an excuse. But between three kids (5, 3 and 10 months), keeping my house clean, running back and forth between schools and taekwondo and ballet, and taking online classes, I fall into bed at night totally exhausted. I find myself cheating food-wise all the time because it's quick and easy and then I end up feeling gross (both for having cheated and because my body isn't used to it). I just don't know how to get my motivation back. I need help. Anyone out there in a similar situation that can give me some advice?


  • bedinky1207
    bedinky1207 Posts: 53 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. During my Husbands last deployment I fell into bad habits. I was NOT happy with myself when I saw myself in our Homecoming pics.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    I was in the military for 10 years. Try this, and I hope it works. What would your husband say if he came home to a hot, in shape wife that reminded him of what he was deployed for. Is this not motivation for you? He is risking his life for you and everyone else in America. Make him proud. Show him something special to come home to.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    That is a LOT of work for one person! I commend you.

    Are you logging your exercise or accounting for your busy lifestyle in your goals setting? You might be burning a lot more than you realize. One day at a time. :)
  • KrisLee223
    KrisLee223 Posts: 27 Member
    My husband just left too, and I want to lose 35 lbs while he is gone. I have 3 kids, and life is crazy while he is gone. I could find so many excuses to not workout, but every time I think about not doing it, I think about how much more amazing the homecoming will be if I am feeling sexy and confident!! Keep thinking about that! Good luck girl! Now, go get hot for your man!