Need support

I'm new to MFP but not to trying to lose weight.
I;m going to whine a little... or vent. Please forgive.
After I had my second daughter I knew, OK, I've been over weight for about 3 years (I never lost my baby weight from #1) so when I weaned I cut calories and tried to work out when I could. BAM, 10 lbs down... but I'm pretty sure it was water weight because there is NO way I could lose 10 lbs in 1 1/2 months. So here I am sitting at 140. I have been for 2 months. I have a hard time when I cut calories actually eating enough. I go into this random "must lose weight now" mode and don't eat enough and I know that at that time when you eat under 1000 cals that you go into starvation mode. Since joining MFP it's been easier to recognize when i need to eat more.
Yes I've only been on MFP for 2 days (haha) but I've been working on this for a while and I'm starting to lose hope.
Any advice on how to keep my head up? I know for moms that are busy, it's hard to put yourself first and if there are other military wives out there, they know it's even harder to have time alone when your spouse is never home.
Tips, advice... someone even slap me ;)
Thank you. I hope being on a message board like this will help me.
