im doin it! request me... we can help eachother!

lori1989mal Posts: 4
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all,
Lol.... well im here to start this whole " getting healthy thing" one more time lol... my friend thinks im crazy for tryint o reach out to new people but I think it'll be more fun and exciting to do it with someone else. I am 22 years old and was diagnosed with type2 diabetes when I was 15.... its been a roller coaster tryin to get healthy. Im ready to do this and do it right! Request me as a friend! We can help eachother out.



  • More than happy to give you some support. Please add me as a friend if you want to.
  • Hi,

    I am 23. I have tried several different ways to lose weight - including weight watchers and slimming world. this site was recommended to me by a friend! Only joined today but really hoping to get some help from others. Hope we can help each other :) x
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