Help me write a message to my crush!



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    There was an exchange student from China
    Who I thought could never be fine-a
    He kept blowing me off
    So I'm saying "enough!
    'Cuz you have just crossed a big line-a!"

    THIS!!!!!! A MILLION TIMES THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    There's no need to be snotty just because the guy wasn't into you.

    You made obvious advances at least 3 times and obviously he's not interested. Just move on.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    There's no need to be snotty just because the guy wasn't into you.

    You made obvious advances at least 3 times and obviously he's not interested. Just move on.

    exactly. You owe him no explanation. Hes not into you... carry on.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    i'm sorry to hear that hun :( personally i wouldn't have sent him anything. i would have just stopped all contact and if he came to me with questions i would have explained.
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    I wouldn't even send a message or anything. Just move forward. If he wants to pursue you then he will.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    the song "Bad Romance" by that hag Lady Gaga comes to mind.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Girls who look like you should not be waiting around for idiots like him.
    So if she was ugly or plain, it would be OK to be treated like this?

    While I agree with this, thank you for the kind message ^^ It made me feel better
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    There's no need to be snotty just because the guy wasn't into you.

    You made obvious advances at least 3 times and obviously he's not interested. Just move on.

    exactly. You owe him no explanation. Hes not into you... carry on.

    Thank you guys. I just feel like he pretended to be into me is all. He would get touchy and then told me multiple times, "We should hang out!" Last time he fed me with his chopsticks, and spent the entire day with me...he would text and call me a lot, so of course I feel played :(
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i'm sorry to hear that hun :( personally i wouldn't have sent him anything. i would have just stopped all contact and if he came to me with questions i would have explained.

    Gahhh its just that we had plans to hang out tomorrow (after rescheduling) and so i felt it would be easier to just say it now rather than tomorrow when i see him. When I see him I feel very happy, but I always leave feeling disappointed. ^^
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    ...i dont usually like guys, so i doubt ill be putting myself out there again though haha >.<
    I will presume you are saying this in some sort of sarcastic sense. It seems like a lot of your messages are about juggling Asian men and liking all of them.

    That said, you don't need to say anything is over because it sounds like it didn't begin. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't have gotten so emotionally invested in something that wasn't there, but if I did I would move on with no regrets either.

    The good news is that there is no big picture. No "if it's meant to happen it will happen." There is only "if it happens, it happens." So move on and go get emotionally invested in someone who will return your affections.

    Postscript: That said, I haven't seen a well-developed limerick in years. So that was my favorite advice.

    Edit: Post-Postscript: If there is anything more detrimental to building a relationship than the ability to text message, it is the words, "haha." Only use "haha" as a response to a joke and then, only if you laugh. If you use "haha" as a filler between your text messages [generally, where punctuation should go], what you are really saying is, "I don't know how to develop a conversation."
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    ...i dont usually like guys, so i doubt ill be putting myself out there again though haha >.<
    I will presume you are saying this in some sort of sarcastic sense. It seems like a lot of your messages are about juggling Asian men and liking all of them.

    That said, you don't need to say anything is over because it sounds like it didn't begin. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't have gotten so emotionally invested in something that wasn't there, but if I did I would move on with no regrets either.

    The good news is that there is no big picture. No "if it's meant to happen it will happen." There is only "if it happens, it happens." So move on and go get emotionally invested in someone who will return your affections.

    Postscript: That said, I haven't seen a well-developed limerick in years. So that was my favorite advice.

    I guess I meant, I don't usually feel like I did about this guy ^^

    Thank you! You are right that I need to see it from the perspective you mentioned.

    I also very much liked the limerick >.<
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    There's no need to be snotty just because the guy wasn't into you.

    You made obvious advances at least 3 times and obviously he's not interested. Just move on.

    exactly. You owe him no explanation. Hes not into you... carry on.

    Both of these. I'm happy you let him know you were interested, but just because you hit the ball into his court doesn't mean he was obligated to return it. You're also not obligated to help him.

    My advice doesn't have much to do with this particular guy, just guys in general. I used to be someone who developed huge crushes, and they never went anywhere. Relationships only developed when we were both equally interested in each other from the get-go. (And sometimes it's a knock-your-socks-off immediate attraction, sometimes a smaller attraction that grows, but always an equal interest.) Never, ever think you need to bend over backwards to convince someone to like you. You don't need to win anyone over. The right guy will respect, admire and desire you just for being you.
  • lowlevelrebel
    lowlevelrebel Posts: 75 Member
    So basically, I just want to send him a short message telling him I do not want to help him with his English anymore, that he should find someone else to help him, and that his English sucks so good luck to him because he will need it.

    Thank you guys. :frown:
    How about a short poem...

    When you fail your TOEFL,
    I'm going to be ROFL.

    Or a limerick?

    There was an exchange student from China
    Who I thought could never be fine-a
    He kept blowing me off
    So I'm saying "enough!
    'Cuz you have just crossed a big line-a!"

    Please, please, write a limerick like this ^ We should all be so lucky to be blown off in rhyme.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    There's no need to be snotty just because the guy wasn't into you.

    You made obvious advances at least 3 times and obviously he's not interested. Just move on.

    exactly. You owe him no explanation. Hes not into you... carry on.

    Both of these. I'm happy you let him know you were interested, but just because you hit the ball into his court doesn't mean he was obligated to return it. You're also not obligated to help him.

    My advice doesn't have much to do with this particular guy, just guys in general. I used to be someone who developed huge crushes, and they never went anywhere. Relationships only developed when we were both equally interested in each other from the get-go. (And sometimes it's a knock-your-socks-off immediate attraction, sometimes a smaller attraction that grows, but always an equal interest.) Never, ever think you need to bend over backwards to convince someone to like you. You don't need to win anyone over. The right guy will respect, admire and desire you just for being you.

    Thank you! This was a really beautiful and honest piece of advice. I will pray to meet the right guy without having to change myself..^^
  • syiyi
    syiyi Posts: 341 Member
    to me it sounds that he has a priority right now.. and it is for him to pass his test. That is the reason he saying to wait for after.. IT does sound like he is interested. Good luck! but if you really like him a lot you will wait for him!! sometimes is just a matter of time.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    No note needed IMO. Just stop the advances. Thats enough of a signal without needing a verbal explanation.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    to me it sounds that he has a priority right now.. and it is for him to pass his test. That is the reason he saying to wait for after.. IT does sound like he is interested. Good luck! but if you really like him a lot you will wait for him!! sometimes is just a matter of time.

    This is what I was hoping for, but I feel it is just me being optimistic. I already sent the message, so I am not sure what will happen. :/

    I think I am just being hopeful though, as I am almost certain he knows I get asked out a lot. If he was interested, he would be worried I would date someone else...

    I will wait until after his test anyways since I cannot forget my feelings so easily...and it is true that I really like him :/

    I just cannot stand this feeling of doubt anymore, and do not want to waste my time playing a fool. :(
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    No note needed IMO. Just stop the advances. Thats enough of a signal without needing a verbal explanation.

    I already sent the note, if you read the previous posts. Thanks anyway
  • Maybe you should charge for tutoring. Better than attaching strings to it.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Maybe you should charge for tutoring. Better than attaching strings to it.

    Honestly, I was kind of hoping to get sex out of it. :/ I agree though, I will begin tutoring OTHER people (for cash).