**CLOSED** New Year, New You Challenge: Week 5



  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    gretchen, or anyone,

    when are our weigh-ins?

    thanks for letting me join!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Well, posted a gain this morning!! I have been getting so bad with logging things which results in eating things I probably shouldn't and I did not drink near enough water this weekend. All amounted to a gain on the scale. I WILL get this back off this week!!! I WILL log every day!!!

    You'll get that weight off! Off of the ladies on here started a 100 day challenge...100 days of logging in starting today...if you're interested. If anyone is interested actually. Today is day 1 and it ends on Valentine's Day! Just a thought!!!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    For the challenge, I posted a 3.5 pound loss from last week. I really stepped it up in my workouts (started 30DS and got on my eliptical) this past week and I watched my weekend eating.

    Getting 8 more pounds off during the next two holiday months is going to be an act of God! But I'm going to stick to it, even if I am stuck here for awhile. Physically, I hurt. But emotionally, I feel good. Even starting to feel pretty. And that is what counts!

    Wow, you're doing great!!! You can totally do this. The emotional part is great and feeling pretty is awesome! Confidence is a great thing!!!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Im with you all the way to the finish line!!!

    That's awesome! That finish line gets closer and closer with each weigh in! I think it's going great over all. I'm so excited to have such a great group of people doign it with me!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Congrats gkeith on your NSV!! Thanks for keeping ME motivated!

    Thank you and you're welcome! Being here for everyone else is what helps me the most!!!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Your doing a great job! Your keep us all motivated so well and your NSV is inspiring! Sadly I gained this weekend but hey I walked my butt off and loved every minute! I just didnt see the results I wanted because I snacked on the wrong things!

    Here's too learning from our bad days but not letting them hold us back!!!

    Learning is a very important thing. I have had a few days to learn from and I've taken the lesson and used it instead of filing it under F for Fail.

    You will lose that weight that you gained this week. Just jump back on track with us. We're totally going to nail this!!!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Well, posted a gain this morning!! I have been getting so bad with logging things which results in eating things I probably shouldn't and I did not drink near enough water this weekend. All amounted to a gain on the scale. I WILL get this back off this week!!! I WILL log every day!!!

    You'll get that weight off! Off of the ladies on here started a 100 day challenge...100 days of logging in starting today...if you're interested. If anyone is interested actually. Today is day 1 and it ends on Valentine's Day! Just a thought!!!

    Thanks - I did join the 100 day challenge! :bigsmile:
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 333 Member
    I in it for the long haul... didn't lose this week but didn't gain either!!! which is good... and got a good 3 km in this morning :D YIPEE... have found if I wrap my ankle in the ace bandage I can have a good walk on the treadmill and a good ride on my bike :D
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    I know you all are in week 5 but I would love to sneak in!! I am doing the mommy challenge with some of you :) If not no biggie, just thought I'd ask!! Thanks!!
  • tilulah1304
    tilulah1304 Posts: 38 Member
    im with you all!! together we can accomplish so much.. i dont think i would have lasted with out you all.. to be honest the challenges are my favourite.. between meeting new people and creating new challenges i feel better in myself.

    i know it might not show on the scales right now but im happy to be making that slow bit of progress..

    thanks again to Grethcen for introducing me to this group!! and a big thanks to all of you for supporting me. i know i am not friends with you all but please feel free to add me..
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    Well I have only lost a lb this week....a little dissapointed but grateful to have lost anything at all. Really finding it difficult to motivate myself to exercise. I haven't really done any real exercise for 2 weeks! mainly due to a bad cold I have not been able to shake. Feeling better now but after I get home from work and see to the kids and get them in bed the miserable weather is just making me want to cuddle up on the sofa with a cup of coco instead of getting a good work out in....
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    I in it for the long haul... didn't lose this week but didn't gain either!!! which is good... and got a good 3 km in this morning :D YIPEE... have found if I wrap my ankle in the ace bandage I can have a good walk on the treadmill and a good ride on my bike :D

    That's awesome! I'm glad you found a wrap that helps! Now that you can do your walking...you'll see a loss on Monday! :-)
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    I know you all are in week 5 but I would love to sneak in!! I am doing the mommy challenge with some of you :) If not no biggie, just thought I'd ask!! Thanks!!

    Of course! We have a long way to go on this one!!! :-)
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    im with you all!! together we can accomplish so much.. i dont think i would have lasted with out you all.. to be honest the challenges are my favourite.. between meeting new people and creating new challenges i feel better in myself.

    i know it might not show on the scales right now but im happy to be making that slow bit of progress..

    thanks again to Grethcen for introducing me to this group!! and a big thanks to all of you for supporting me. i know i am not friends with you all but please feel free to add me..

    I'm glad you're here with us and I definitely encourage people to add each other. I have found that this particular group is the BEST support system ever. Whenever I doubt myself you all get me back in line!!!

    Without this group I would've quit already. You keep me going!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Well I have only lost a lb this week....a little dissapointed but grateful to have lost anything at all. Really finding it difficult to motivate myself to exercise. I haven't really done any real exercise for 2 weeks! mainly due to a bad cold I have not been able to shake. Feeling better now but after I get home from work and see to the kids and get them in bed the miserable weather is just making me want to cuddle up on the sofa with a cup of coco instead of getting a good work out in....

    The weather makes it tough sometimes! You definitely have to be thankful for a loss. A pound is GREAT! I can't work out after I get home...too much to do with the kiddos...so my workout is bright and early in the morning! It's difficult but I have to do it!!!
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    gretchen, or anyone,

    when are our weigh-ins?

    thanks for letting me join!

    mondays :) just like the halloween one was
  • srandle175
    I'm still here....Your right I did not want to log my weight because I gained from last week. I ate to much Halloween candy. I will weight-in in the morning and post my weight.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    I'm still here....Your right I did not want to log my weight because I gained from last week. I ate to much Halloween candy. I will weight-in in the morning and post my weight.

    It's ok! You'll lose that Halloween candy weight in no time! It's really hard to post your weight when it's a gain. I understand completely!!! :-)