melatonin - yay or nay??



  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I was at a conference on Saturday where a nutritionist actually addressed just this issue. She was not a fan of melatonin. She recommended trying magnesium supplement before going to bed. Her rational was that magnesium is what our muscles need to relax (when we contract a muscle we draw calcium from our bones, when we relax a muscle we draw magnesium). The lack of magnesium keeps the muscle tense. She said this is why our grandmothers used epsom salt baths to relax, epsom salts are magnesium and can be absorbed through the skin slowly over time.

    that's my two sense :)

    I wonder if magnesium would help with what I fear is the beginnings of restless leg syndrome? It doesn't happen to me nightly, but when it does... man, it will keep me awake for hours! Hmm... might have to try it. Not like it will hurt me any.

    Magnesium is suggested for RLS.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    I rarely have a problem falling asleep but have more of an issue staying asleep through the night. I tried melatonin and it did not work. Actually, it made my not sleeping through the night worse.

    I drink sleepytime tea before bed sometimes. It really helps me to sleep through more of the night.

    what is sleepytime tea?

    i will check if it is available here in the UK. That is the problem i have too, i.e. staying asleep.

    It is tea packets that are supposed to help calm you. I get it at Target by Celestial Seasons. They have a sleepytime extra or something like that that also has valerian (sp?) in it. Works good for me. The hot liquid probably helps to calm me as well. Like I said, my issue is more of staying asleep and it does help me with that.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I sometimes have trouble sleeping and have heard of Melatonin and that it helps. What are your opinions??

    I work third shift and I take melatonin to help me sleep through the day after I get home. It is the only thing that has worked for me so far, and I have never had any side effects. This was the last thing I was going to try before going and getting a prescription sleep aid, which I did NOT want. I didn't want to take a "drug" and this stuff is a more natural choice.
  • Quaters
    Quaters Posts: 85 Member
    I think that Melatonin is good also the one i have you put them under your tongue, Also yes magnesium is a great one as well but the powdered form of Magnesium is so much better as it gets straight in to your system it is also great for the heart and good for cramps.