Couch to 5k Day 1



  • This sounds like such a WONDERFUL idea! I love that everyone is excited about a challenge! Any ideas on how to put it all together? This is new for me, but I love the accountability it creates as well as motivation and support! Let's do this!
  • I think we ALL need encouragement and motivation no matter what week/day we're on! Shydaisi--I completely understand about child care and needing something indoors. I'm thankful for my treadmill living in Iowa where it gets too cold/icy/snowy to be outside! (I also don't have to worry about the idea that EVERYONE in town is looking out their window watching me as I plod on by! I know they're not, but I feel like they are!)

    Does anyone know how to start a group? I'm fairly new to MFP, but I'm willing to give it a shot!

    Ontheskinnyroad---WAY TO GO! You've signed up for your 5k! THAT is awesome motivation by itself!!! I need to look for one in my area so I can keep my eye on the goal!

    It is basically just like posting a thread, which you did. I think it might be best to have a weekly thread - I have been part of ongoing support threads for C25K in the past, and they seem to fizzle out around week 4. People continue on, but just don't seem to post as much.

    What about doing a C25K and weight loss challenge - so a 9 week challenge where you have a fitness goal of completing the C25K program (no matter where you are in the program) and a weight loss goal. Each week you post your weight and talk about how you did the previous week?

    Just throwing out ideas... :)

    I LOVE this idea! How do you think we should set it up? Everyone share the goals or not? I LOVE this idea for accountability!
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    Count me in! I actually do Day 2 tomorrow! I wanted to do it today (I did Day 1 on Sunday) but my legs and calves were just so beat that my body was having none of it, so I spent the half hour at a steady brisk pace, instead.

    My friend and I are doing the program together, and then we're going to sign up for a 5k in the spring!
  • We could set up a group - C25K - 9 week challenge then within that have discussion threads on why/aims etc and one for progress and everyone logs their own progress.

    I'm happy to attempt to set up the group as long as you all join!!

  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    I will DEFINITELY utilize the group! I could use some buddies to help me through this! :)
  • Peridot09
    Peridot09 Posts: 6 Member
    Count me in please if you start a group...tomorrow is W2D1 for me! I can already tell that I am going to love running. :happy:
  • I'd like to give it a try! I have it downloaded onto my IPod...and I went to go start it on Sunday, but then my IPod was dead! I didn't know the battery would go low if it wasn't being used.... ? Anyway, I did some running anyway, so maybe I could count that as W1D1? :)
  • We could set up a group - C25K - 9 week challenge then within that have discussion threads on why/aims etc and one for progress and everyone logs their own progress.

    I'm happy to attempt to set up the group as long as you all join!!

    I've joined, but now I need to figure out how to get to the group! LOL!
  • Last night I started all over I did week 1 of the C25K and it was a breeze. I am actually doing each week for 4 days instead of 3 and I am alternating it with the 30 day shred DVD- by Jillian Micheal. So today is my rest day from the C25K but I will be doing my DVD... :laugh:

    Everyone have a good day.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    Below is a link to the Group created as a result of this thread. Feel free to join us!
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    I found you guys while searching the groups, I hope it's not too late to join.