Any other parents of multiples?



  • cassiejo84
    cassiejo84 Posts: 49 Member
    I have 9 month old identical twin girls...I'm just re-starting my journey after gaining back all 80lbs that I lost before they were born and then some. Worried about how to do it with the babies PLUS their 2 older siblings!
  • chuffed
    7,5yr old girl, 6yr old boy and 3.5yr old triplet girls. Life is crazy busy and I also work from home so minimal time out from the craziness.
    I am currently getting up at 5.30am every morning and trying to get an hour of exercise in before the day begins otherwise I just never have time and am so exhausted by the end of the day. I am now starting to enjoy this 'quiet time' with my own thoughts now after doing it for 3 months.
    I still have about another 9lb to go to get down to pre triplet weight which was the weight/size I was before and after the first 2 children.
  • spskinny
    spskinny Posts: 96 Member
    I have Identical twin 2 year old girls. Its a challenge. I made my time with the girls part of my exercise plan instead of a distraction from it. I use to workout after they went to bed but that was after a 12 hours day with both of them and I was a worn out puppy. Now, I take my girls to different parks with walking paths. I fast walk with them is a stroller for 45 mins and then they play at the playground afterwards. They are very happy and momma just burned 350 cals :). Everyones situation is different, keep experimenting until you find what works for your household. Anyone with multiples feel free to add me :).
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    I was just wondering if there are any other parents with twins, triplets or more. I'd just be interested to see how you manage your fitness around their schedules, whether you have had to change their routines etc to fit in your new fitness. Also how are you coping with the food side with so many mouths to feed do you eat the same or do you cook seperately? Just curious.
    NB: I have a singleton 4 year old and triplets who are 3 years old.

    Mommy of L&L, 4.5 years old boys over here :)

    And before I forget...TRIPLETS?! I BOW DOWN TO YOU!!!!

    First thing I did when I started was STOP eating the leftovers...I put them all in a container and at the end of the day would check out how many calories I could have consumed...It was wayyyy over 2,000 calories extra a day!! I lost 10 pounds almost immediatly.

    Secondly, I work out in their playroom while PBS is on and they are playing with their toys (Thomas the train table, water table I converted into a "corn table", Car tracks, ect...They usually dance to my iPod music too ;)

    Once upon a time I felt guilty for taking that hour but then I realized 1) I would if I could afford a nanny and that's never gonna happen! 2) This is a positive image I want my boys to see of me!

    Hope this helps :)

    Good luck!!

  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    I was just wondering if there are any other parents with twins, triplets or more. I'd just be interested to see how you manage your fitness around their schedules, whether you have had to change their routines etc to fit in your new fitness. Also how are you coping with the food side with so many mouths to feed do you eat the same or do you cook seperately? Just curious.
    NB: I have a singleton 4 year old and triplets who are 3 years old.
    We have twins along with 3 other kids - all boys.

    It was hard until the oldest became our sitter - lol
    Now, we have time for anything.
    He doesn't.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    LMAO ;)
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    You gus are amazing to handle big families and still look so good. I hope to join in that sometime soon. My dh still wants more children but the chances of having multiples again..........well I can't risk my sanity again. That and the health risks. Well done to all you multiples mums. We are sometimes in a world of our own eh?

    "Well done to all you multiples mums. We are sometimes in a world of our own eh?"

    Aint that the truth ;)