Lost 91lbs. then got pregnant and rapidly gaining!

So I lost 91 lbs. got pregnant and is rapidly gaining weight!!! I'm kind of in a slump and want to get back on. My dr says its perfectly healthy to continue, since im a big girl anyways and the baby takes from you. I just dont want all my hard work to be for nothing! I gained 45 lbs back already and im only 21 weeks preg. I cant get enough sweets and deserts. I just need some motivational support to start me up again thank you! I'd love to enclude pics but dont know how...


  • msc801
    The same thing Happened to me and I lost it a second time , it was much harder second time around , hang in there !!!
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    I'd say that you continue to do what you did when you first lost the weight. Don't do extreme workouts, but continue to workout and eat right...it's super hard to lose the weight again, so try to make it a goal that you don't gain anymore weight but do it as healthy and as natural as possible! Good luck! I'm still trying to lose weight from my first son...and HE'S 9!!!! lol
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    I know the feeling, I had worked really hard losing the weight only to find out that I was prego again! (5 times) The truth is that you can't worry about it too much, because you want to give your baby what it needs. I would suggest making sure you do some sort of physical activity (like walking) everyday and don't worry about what you eat too much.
  • ashreneeknutson
    Hang in there. I'm sure that it's very irritating. You can do it!
  • msc801
    Also try not to focus on losing with you being pregnant I asked my doctor the same thing , she told me to not worry about losing weight. You will lose it again. You did it once you can def do it again ! Congrats on the pregnancy
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Girl i know exactly what you mean. I lost a lot of weight RIGHT BEFORE i got pregnant and when i was pregnant I got toxemia and gained back 100lbs!!! I am still tryin to lose it and my son is 3. "/
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    We are TTC too and I am very worried/concerned about this....

    I will be reading for all your advice - Good Luck to all!!
  • Navie42
    Navie42 Posts: 152
    You do need more food when pregnant, but you need to make sure you're eating the right kinds of food as it's only an addl 500 kcals a day I believe. Try eating more complex carbs as these will keep you feeling fuller for longer, and stay away from the sweets! Trust me, the baby needs food, but not Ben and Jerrys! When I was pregnant I gained 42 lbs total (a pound for each week of pregnancy) and, given my overweight status at the time of conception, even that was too much.

    Do some moderate exercises and watch everything you are putting into your body, and your weight gain should even out. You can do this! Just think about saving yourself all that work losing excessive weight once the baby is born!! From experience those early days are hard to find time for a shower, let alone a workout! Concentrate on that!!
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    Hi there,

    I am sure you will be fine, but I'd like to add a suggestion:
    Try not to eat all those desserts and sweets you have been craving- you wouldn't give in if you were still on your diet. The point is, don't let being pregnant be a green light to eat everything in sight and then some (especially of not so healthy foods). Can you eat some fruit instead of the sweets? Fill up on more veggies, lean protein, and whole grain carbs?

    Best of luck to you and no matter what, be happy and healthy- you have a baby coming!! That's gotta be exciting!
  • kp_88
    kp_88 Posts: 53 Member
    I found myself in a similar position when I was pregnant with my second. My motivation to keep eating decently and not go over board was how I wanted to feel after baby, I wanted to still be in a place to recover and start of well on the weight loss track. You can do it! Don't worry to much about it your body and baby need extra nutrients, just try and not go over board.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    You can still follow the diet you were doing before you got pregnant. You can still exercise too. I know how hard it is. I had gestational diabetes both times, and all I wanted was carbs and I had to basically stick to a low carb diet. But, I did not gain weight when I was pregnant, and I had two healthy baby boys.